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Selected Russian Contributions to Spaceflight
Published in Lauren Blackwell Landon, Kelley J. Slack, Eduardo Salas, Psychology and Human Performance in Space Programs, 2020
Lauren Blackwell Landon, Kelley J. Slack, Eduardo Salas
Peculiarity of Russian space medicine culture is the close relationship between medical support itself and researches made inflight. The obligatory claim for the applied nature of these studies was established by Sergei Korolev. So, on the one hand, every biomedical experiment should be targeted at the practical needs of space medicine, on medical support of current and future crews. On the other hand, its background arises from the existing space practice, the real problems about which cosmonauts and crew surgeons are informing the scientific community. That differs our study design, because the scientists, if they require, mostly have access to the inflight data, related to their particular study (certainly, all the international bioethical standards should be followed) to interpret properly their own results. Another distinguishing feature of Russian approach is that many testing procedures are designed especially for space practice. That is why they have to be mostly non-invasive, take minimal time and effort from the cosmonaut, being naturally embedded into the already existing operations, like crew communication (“Content” experiment) or training (“Pilot” experiment). From our point of view, this approach allows to get more reliable and valid biomedical data from space.
Practical Application of Ozone: Principles and Case Studies
Published in Bruno Langlais, David A. Reckhow, Deborah R. Brink, Ozone in Water Treatment, 2019
Guy Bablon, William D. Bellamy, Gilles Billen, Marie-Marguerite Bourbigot, F. Bernard Daniel, Françoise Erb, Cyril Gomella, Gilbert Gordon, Phillippe Hartemann, Jean-Claude Joret, William R. Knocke, Bruno Langlais, Alain Laplanche, Bernard Legube, Benjamin Lykins, Guy Martin, Nathalie Martin, Antoine Montiel, Marie Françoise Morin, Richard S. Miltner, Daniel Perrine, Michele Prévost, David A. Reckhow, Pierre Servais, Philip C. Singer, Otis J. Sproul, Claire Ventresque
The degree to which biodegradable organics are removed by ozone/GAC will depend on the process conditions, the temperature, and the quantity of assimilable matter to be treated. For example, the data in Figure III–86 show that for an influent BDOC concentration of 0.8 mg/L and a temperature of 20°C, BDOC can be reduced by 70 percent for a contact time of 10 min (independent of filtration rate up to 20 m/h [8.3 gpm/ft2]) and by 90 percent for a contact time of 20 min (Neuilly-sur-Marne pilot experiment). Hubele (1985) has also shown that only minor improvements in DOC biodegradation can be gained in going beyond an EBCT of 5-10 min.
Completely Randomized Designs with One Factor
Published in John Lawson, Design and Analysis of Experiments with R, 2014
Assuming the variance of the experimental error ̂σ2= 2.1 was estimated from the sample variance in risen dough heights in a pilot experiment where several loaves were allowed to rise for the same length of time, then the noncentrality factor can be calculated as λ=r2.1×(4.5).. The power is calculated for r= 2,...,6 using the R code shown below. This code illustrates the use of the Fpower1 function that takes as arguments, alpha=α, nlev=t (the number of levels of the factor), nreps=r, Delta=∆, and sigma=σ. > library(daewr)> rmin <-2 #smallest number of replicates considered> rmax <-6 # largest number of replicates considered> alpha <- rep(0.05, rmax - rmin +1)> sigma <-sqrt(2.1)> nlev <- 3> nreps <- rmin:rmax> Delta <- 3> power <- Fpower1(alpha,nlev,nreps,Delta,sigma)> power
Numerical simulation of pressure profile of mining backfill fly-ash slurry in an L-shaped pipe using a validated Herschel-Bulkley model
Published in Journal of Sustainable Cement-Based Materials, 2023
Defeng Wang, George Barakos, Zhanbo Cheng, Helmut Mischo, Jinhai Zhao
Without doubt, the experimental investigation of slurry pressure through pipelines is of utmost importance and has significantly improved our understanding of the complexity of the slurry flow. Nevertheless, there is a distinct drawback when conducting physical experiments, either on a small scale in a lab or on a larger semi-industrial scale; they can be time-consuming and costly. Contrariwise, benefiting from the development of computer technology, it is now possible to develop sophisticated simulations and solve complex partial differential equations with Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) modeling [22,23]. CFD has been used by several researchers to investigate a variety of multiphase fluid flow problems in recent years [24–26]. Computer simulations can outperform costly and time-consuming physical experiments in some other cases as well [27]; for instance, when the desired realistic conditions cannot be duplicated for a pilot experiment. When using CFD modeling on the other hand, all desired boundary conditions can be easily defined [28].
The Moderating Effects of Task Complexity and Age on the Relationship between Automation Use and Cognitive Workload
Published in International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction, 2022
Shree Frazier, Sara A. McComb, Zachary Hass, Brandon J. Pitts
The objects that needed identification were categorized into three main groups: sharp items (razors and knives), household items (keys and paper clips), and construction items (screws and bolts) (Figure 2). Participants were given 15 s per image to identify any of these objects present in the bag. This allotted time was determined by adding 5 s to the average time taken to review each image in a pre-pilot experiment. An additional 5 s was selected for two reasons. First, researchers have found that older adults require at least 1.5 the time allotment to complete the same task as younger adults (Hultsch et al., 2002; Fisk et al., 2004). Second, we wanted to provide most participants adequate time to visually identify the correct number of objects and manually select the corresponding option while simultaneously invoking some time pressure. If participants did not respond within the 15s window, they were asked to proceed to the next portion of the task, which involved the classification of the baggage. Not responding within the required time frame was counted as an incorrect identification of the object.
Semi-autonomous avatar enabling unconstrained parallel conversations –seamless hybrid of WOZ and autonomous dialogue systems–
Published in Advanced Robotics, 2021
Tatsuya Kawahara, Naoyuki Muramatsu, Kenta Yamamoto, Divesh Lala, Koji Inoue
We have implemented a prototype of parallel attentive listening system to see how it works in a pilot experiment. Figure 5 is the snapshot of the system and GUI seen by the operator. The GUI shows the results of the automatic speech recognition and system responses. The background color represents the state of each user: blue and white mean that the user is talking with the operator and the autonomous system, respectively. To make the operator easily and efficiently understand the context of each dialogue, named entity words such as names of places and persons are highlighted. When the system has made the switching decision, advance notice is displayed 10 s before the switching. Then the cause of switching (the type of breakdown that led to the decision to intervene) is also displayed. As an interface between the system and each user, we used static images so that each user could see which type of the system (operator or autonomous) he/she is talking with.