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A connection between time domain model order reduction and moment matching for LTI systems
Published in Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Dynamical Systems, 2018
Manuela Hund, Jens Saak
that is known as the Pascal matrix. It can be shown (see, e.g. [18]) that the LU decomposition of this matrix leads to its triangular factors being triangular Pascal matrices, and thus the determinant is always 1. Consequently, always has full rank and we have established the equivalence to moment matching choosing the expansion points as eigenvalues of , i.e. .
Fibonacci and Lucas Riordan arrays and construction of pseudo-involutions
Published in Applicable Analysis, 2021
Candice Marshall, Asamoah Nkwanta
A typical example of a Riordan matrix is the Pascal matrix. In this case, and . In pair form notation, where the entries of the Pascal Riordan matrix are Pascal's triangle A007318 [1] written in infinite lower-triangular form.