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Motivation Enhancement Methods for Community Building in Extended Reality
Published in Joshua A. Fisher, Augmented and Mixed Reality for Communities, 2021
It was hypothesized that a motivation-enhanced 3D immersive learning environment would have a positive effect on completion rates and the quality of learning in a MOOC. The study focused on the experience of using 3D immersive learning environments or SVR environments for synchronous formal and informal collaborative learning in an innovative Open Online Course. Open Education is a distance learning approach that has been strategically proposed well before the covid-19 outbreak to encourage cost-effective training, upskilling and reskilling of large population groups and workforce with speed and flexibility.
Framing Open Design through Theoretical Concepts and Practical Applications: A Systematic Literature Review
Published in Human–Computer Interaction, 2019
Yekta Bakırlıoğlu, Cindy Kohtala
In the reviewed papers, more general terms related to accessibility and sharing of knowledge were employed within the context of design to identify differing attributes. Open access denoted the availability of academic content to anyone, regardless of affiliation (Pearce, 2012). Open knowledge denoted accessible and usable knowledge about physical objects for any purposes, without legal repercussions (Powell, 2015; Wolf, Troxler, Kocher, Harboe, & Gaudenz, 2014). Open education was presented as a term older than the internet, referring to the accessibility to education for people who cannot access traditional or formal forms of education (Ostuzzi, Conradie, Couvreur, Detand, & Saldien, 2016). In the context of open design, the term was applied in an educational design project on developing open solutions (ibid). Peer to peer mentoring was a proposal for the design and distribution of training programs on building capacity in projects that aim to have a more positive societal impact (Cangiano, Romano, & Loglio, 2017).
Soup-to-nuts modelling of a falling column of water
Published in International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 2023
This material on Torricelli's Law can be found as a Modelling Scenario or set of student activities in the SIMIODE Community of Practice at SIMIODE (2022), specifically at Winkel (2015). There are also variations to this model in related Modelling Scenarios published in SIMIODE for student discovery. Hundreds of resources are freely available at SIMIODE in true Open Education Resources fashion, namely downloadable, modifiable, and re-usable.