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Transonic Flight and Aerofoils
Published in Rose G. Davies, Aerodynamics Principles for Air Transport Pilots, 2020
Figure 9.1 is an example of a diagram of a speed limit (level flight) envelope. The left line is marked as “high AoA stalling speed” (approximately, IAS [indicated airspeed] = 100 kt), and it is the low speed limit. At a low airspeed, the lift coefficient has to be high to maintain the lift needed, which means a high angle of attack (AoA) is required, as discussed in Chapter 4. The airspeed displayed in Figure 9.1 is the true airspeed (TAS). The value of TAS on the low speed limit increases with the increase of altitude if the same level of lift is maintained, Lift=CL12ρv2S, as air density decreases with the increase of altitude. That means that the “dynamic pressure” is constant, i.e. 12ρv2=constant, at any altitude, so the indicated airspeed (IAS) displayed in a cockpit should be constant for the low speed limit at any altitude, while TAS increases.
Equations of motion
Published in Mohammad H. Sadraey, Aircraft Performance, 2017
The airspeed measured by the airspeed indicator (read from the dial) is referred to as the indicated airspeed. There are several sources of errors in this reading. The four notable sources of errors in measuring airspeed are (1) Instrument, (2) Pitot tube position, (3) Compressibility, and (4) Air density. The instrument itself may be aged, or a diaphragm may be suffering from some wear. This error is called an instrument error. By recalibrating the instrument, it is possible to determine what the correction should be at every indicated speed. IAS equals TAS only at sea level on a standard day.
Cognitive Biases in Risk Communication during Post-Flight Debrief
Published in The International Journal of Aerospace Psychology, 2022
Based on the interaction effects observed, there is at least one more factor that affects risk perception. The flight itself affected how pilots were biased by the three factors. The concealed factor could be the risk present in the flight (meaning that we should be using different representation formats for safer flights than riskier flights) or the specific events in question (e.g., perception of airspeed deviations and centerline deviations may be biased differently by the three factors). Additionally, the results may also change with different types of representations within the selected groups. For example, there are numerous ways to communicate a parameter graphically, as shown on the prototype and in Figure 2. Inadequate airspeed on takeoff could be communicated via a trend line on a graph, a threshold on an indicated airspeed gauge, and other pictorial methods.
Investigating the Predictive Validity of the COMPASS Pilot Selection Test
Published in The International Journal of Aerospace Psychology, 2021
Iñaki González Cabeza, Brett Molesworth, Malcolm Good, Carlo Caponecchia, Rasmus Steffensen
The FRASCA FSTD was used to examine pilots’ performance during a single right-hand circuit. The FRASCA FSTD is fitted with a Garmin 1000 flight instrument. The Garmin 1000 captures flight performance data at one-second intervals, including altitude (feet above mean sea level), indicated airspeed (knot), pitch (degree), heading (degree), latitude (degree) and longitude (degree). The Garmin 1000 has a built in timer that was pre-set to 10 seconds and was used in the research. The external visual display comprised two data projectors that presented 160 degrees of visual information to pilots via a curved 180 degree wrap around display (curvature adjusted via the FSTD software to ensure one continuous display). Aircraft engine noise was set at 70 dBA in order to reflect as close as possible the environment pilots would typically experience in the real aircraft (Burgess & Molesworth, 2016; Jang et al., 2014).
High-Fidelity Line Operational Simulation Evaluation of Synthetic Vision Flight Deck Technology for Enhanced Unusual Attitude Awareness and Recovery
Published in International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction, 2021
Kyle K. Ellis, Lawrence J. Prinzel, Daniel K. Kiggins, Stephanie N. Nicholas, Kathryn Ballard, Renee C. Lake, Trey J. Arthur
The B-787 initial condition was 280,000 lbs. zero fuel, 65,000 lbs. total fuel, and 345,000 lbs. gross weight with a 28% center-of-gravity (CG). The outside visual was daytime IMC using a 10,000 ft. overcast cloud base up to 50,000 ft. tops. The simulator was slewed to 25,000 ft. and 280 knots indicated airspeed (KIAS) before each upset. Speed, heading hold, and altitude were the active flight modes with auto-pilot engaged. Both pilots were then asked to close their eyes and put hands in lap off the control column. The simulator was then maneuvered into the initial condition attitude of the UAR type. Posttest, flight crews reported that they were unable to estimate confidently the attitude of the FFS prior to recovery initiation (i.e., with eyes closed prior to being told to recovery the aircraft).