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Forgetful functor
between categories that "forget" certain structure or properties of objects in one category and only retain their underlying sets or elements. This functor is called "forgetful" because it discards information that is not relevant to the new category it is mapping to. For example, the forgetful functor from the category of groups to the category of sets forgets the group operation and only retains the underlying set of elements.From: Invariance Theory, the Heat Equation, and the Atiyah-Singer Index Theorem [2018]
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We say V ∈ Vect G (M) is Riemannian if G ∈ {U (k), O (k)}. We say V is orientable if we can choose a consistent orientation for the fibers; complex vector bundles are always orientable and have natural orientations; real vector bundles need not be orientable. For example, the Möbius vector bundle over the circle is not orientable. Let Vect SO (k) (M) be the set of vector bundles V ∈ Vect O (k) (M) which are orientable and for which a fixed orientation is chosen. The forgetful functor defines maps
Constructing condensed memories in functorial time
Sheafification (Theorem 1.2.9 of Alper (2021)) Letbe a site andandbe the categories of sheaves and presheaves, respectively, on. The forgetful functoradmits a left adjoint, called the sheafification.