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The Role of Artificial Intelligence in the Education Sector: Possibilities and Challenges
Published in Sarvesh Tanwar, Sumit Badotra, Ajay Rana, Machine Learning, Blockchain, and Cyber Security in Smart Environments, 2023
Riya Aggarwal, Nancy Girdhar, Alpana
Artificial intelligence was first officially recognized in 1956 at a conference held at Dartmouth College in the United States [9]. The history of AI consists of work and experimentation not just by mathematicians and computer analysts but also by therapists, physicists, psychologists, and market analysts. The chronology spans the pre-1950 era of statistical techniques to the present day, including Alpha Zero in 2017. The most significant advance in the development of technology occurred during WWII, when both the Allied powers and their adversaries sought to foster innovation to assist them to victory [9]. As a result, a substantial amount of money is available for research and development at numerous universities. Artificial intelligence advancements have provided the world with computers that can defeat humans at chess and Jeopardy!, as well as drive vehicles and manage hectic schedules. Nevertheless, technologists are still decades away from creating self-aware computers—seen by some as a panacea to solve poverty and disease, and feared by others as putting humanity’s survival at risk [10].
Chemically Dose Terrestrial Environments in Support of a Longitudinal Health-Effects Study for Ecological Receptors
Published in Lawrence V. Tannenbaum, Ecological Risk Assessment, 2017
ERA concerns for contaminated sites that work their way through remedial programs are focused exclusively on receptor health. While some might wish that ERAs bore the sophistication to speak to the efficacy with which a site’s “ecology” functions, ERAs do no more than feebly anticipate how certain site animals, as surrogates for others, fare. The expectation with ERAs is that sites should be able to support the local species, and in appropriate numbers. ERAs do not (and certainly should not) investigate somatic changes that are evident only upon necropsy, such as organ-to-body weight changes, shifted cytochrome P450 levels, or the presence of glomerular lesions and the like that only become known through histological review. If ERAs do explore such things, ERA practitioners are powerless to assign health rankings to animals that display them. Importantly, internal changes are not detectable by conspecifics and other site species, and do not correlate with animal behavior being any different from the norm, so far as we know. The more years a site has been contaminated, the more likely it is that hidden/internal somatic changes, such as those just mentioned, arose longer and longer ago. (It is hoped that ERA practitioners are not so naïve as to think that, coincidentally, internal somatic differences first crop up in the very calendar year that field assessment work in support of ERAs occurs.) Discovered somatic effects are distracting “red herrings”; ERA practitioners are often wont to explore their underlying mechanisms though they lack the evaluative thresholds-for-effect to do so, and they are wont to recommend taking remedial action because of them, although sound bases for such preferences cannot be expressed.
Not inconceivable: knowledge-production, the arts, and the pre-history of a Puerto Rican artist, 1934–1882
Published in Tapuya: Latin American Science, Technology and Society, 2020
But does time move only forward? The calendar by which we measure time, past and present, is mostly subtractive in the Dionysian AD and BC system: Before Christ, or in its secular variant Before the Common Era (BCE), history proceeds numerically toward zero, then moves forward in Anno Domini or the Current Era (CE) to the present. The system itself comes into existence in medias res in 525 AD, such that everything before that year is a retrospective dating, the larger part of that past notated backwards toward a singular event that ends one era and starts another. There is perhaps a lesson here, one different from Will and Ariel Durant’s The Lessons of History wherein they argue that transmitting our “civilized heritage,” from a man to his children, turns the past into “a celestial city, a spacious country of the mind” that serves the future and thereby “transcends death” (Durant and Durant 1968, 102).
Research and design of low-power grid-connected PV power generation system based on automatic solar tracking
Published in Systems Science & Control Engineering, 2018
Yongan Liu, Maofa Gong, Longjin Liang, Qingxue Liu, Yan Gao
For automatic solar tracking system, the higher the tracking accuracy is, the higher the verticality of the solar panel with the sun's rays will be. At the same time, the power generation has also a higher efficiency. This subsection mainly verifies the tracking accuracy of the designed system. The experimental method is tantamount to compare and analyse the height angle and azimuth values of the actual tracking system with the theoretical values of the altitude and azimuth angles found on the Era Shuttle Calendar. The date of the experiment was 20 July 2018. The results are presented in Table 1. It can be seen from the table that the error values of height angle and azimuth angle are less than 1.2, which meet the expected tracking accuracy of the system.