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The Logical Thinking Processes
Published in Bob Sproull, The Secret to Maximizing Profitability, 2019
Bob then stopped his presentation and asked for questions relative to the creation of the Current Reality Tree. When he didn’t get any, he decided to do a quick overview of what he had presented so far. “I want to review some of the things we’ve discussed so far, just to make sure you’re getting it.” And with that, he began, “According to Bill Dettmer [1], a Current Reality Tree is a logical structure designed to depict the state of reality as it currently exists in a given system. It reflects the most probable chain of cause and effect, given a specific, fixed set of circumstances. The CRT seeks cause-and-effect connections between visible indications of a system’s condition and the originating causes that produce them. The objective of the CRT is to help you isolate the things that you aren’t currently satisfied with and by tracing those ‘gripes’ back to one or more basic causes. Keep this in mind as we continue working on creating our Current Reality Tree for our example.” 11. Scrutinize and Finalize the Connections
What Is This Thing Called the Theory of Constraints?
Published in Bob Sproull, Theory of Constraints, Lean, and Six Sigma Improvement Methodology, 2019
The Theory of Constraints is a management philosophy developed by Dr. Eliyahu Goldratt and Jeff Cox, and made famous in their blockbuster business novel, The Goal [1]. In Goldratt’s sequel to The Goal, It’s Not Luck, he introduces problem-solving methodologies referred to as The Thinking Process Tools (TP). According to Goldratt, the most important tool, in terms of problem identification, is referred to as the Current Reality Tree (CRT).
Theory of constraints: review and bibliometric analysis
Published in International Journal of Production Research, 2019
Lucas Martins Ikeziri, Fernando Bernardi de Souza, Mahesh C. Gupta, Paula de Camargo Fiorini
Concerning TP, Chou, Lu, and Tang (2012) applied TOC in the aerospace industry to identify undesirable effects, root problems, and conflicts in the material management systems. By constructing a current reality tree and then redesigning a future reality tree it was possible to eliminate problems, provide strategies, and improve the performance.