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Systems Engineering and Weapon Systems Acquisition Strategy of the U.S. Department of Defense and National Security
Published in Anna M. Doro-on, Handbook of Systems Engineering and Risk Management in Control Systems, Communication, Space Technology, Missile, Security and Defense Operations, 2023
SE program personnel engagements are often tied to any of the 16 SE processes shown in Figure 2.2. The non-SE program personnel (e.g., end users, testers, asset supporters) should be interconnected with the program’s technical management operations, because they are included throughout the life cycle. The primary stakeholders that benefit from SE efforts include but are not limited to (a) warfighters and other end users; (b) MDA; (c) resource sponsors; (d) budget authority; (e) developers; (f) enabled or enabling systems in the SoS; (g) security manager or system security engineer; (h) chief developmental tester; (i) operational test organization; (j) certification and accreditation authorities; (k) logisticians (l) trainers; (m) budget and cost analysts; (n) contracting officers and associated staff; (o) environment, safety, and occupational health (ESOH) staff; (p) contractors who build, test, deploy, and/or support the capability under development; and (q) companion programs.
Published in Phillip A. Laplante, Dictionary of Computer Science, Engineering, and Technology, 2017
quality evaluation systematic examination of the extent to which an entity is capable of fulfilling specified requirements related to overall quality. A quality evaluation may be used to determine supplier quality capability. In this case, depending on specific circumstances, the result of quality evaluation may be used for qualification, approval, registration, certification, or accreditation purposes. An additional qualifier may be used with the term quality evaluation depending on the scope (e.g., process, personnel, system) and timing (e.g., pre-contract) of the quality evaluation such as “pre-contract process quality evaluation”. An overall supplier quality evaluation may also include an appraisal of financial and technical resources. In English, quality evaluation is sometimes called “quality assessment”, “quality appraisal”, or “quality survey” in specific circumstances. The process of measurement, rating, and assessment of quality attributes for an evaluation item to determine if the specified software quality characteristics are fulfilled.
Risk Management in the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Product Chain
Published in Ken Sigler, Dan Shoemaker, Anne Kohnke, Supply Chain Risk Management, 2017
Ken Sigler, Dan Shoemaker, Anne Kohnke
The underlying practices of authorization involve formal certification and accreditation (C&A) processes. However, there are numerous approaches to C&A. The Federal Government’s FISMA provides a clearly defined set of requirements that can be satisfied by adopting the recommendations of NIST SP 800-37 R1, Guide for Applying the Risk Management Framework to Federal Information Systems: A Security Life Cycle Approach. The guideline provides details for creating and distributing a FISMA security authorization package; which includes the security plan, security assessment report, and plan of action and milestones (all documents of value to each organization participating in a given supply chain relationship). The guideline provides a general explanation of the necessary mechanisms for establishing the exact criteria to be included in the security plan as well as how an action plan and milestones can be created to ensure practical direction for all supply chain partners. Further, the guideline explains how the accreditation plan documents the organization’s specific approach and strategy for finding and remediating a particular security weakness or operating deficiency that has been identified through security control assessment.
Complementarity of circular economy practices: an empirical analysis of Chinese manufacturers
Published in International Journal of Production Research, 2019
Yang Yang, Lujie Chen, Fu Jia, Zhiduan Xu
We use the ISO 14000 certification as a proxy of EMS. The firms’ ISO 14000 certification adoption timing was mainly collected from the certification and accreditation unified business information (CNCA) search platform (http://cx.cnca.cn/). The CNCA platform is supported by the Certification and Accreditation Administration of the People’s Republic of China, and has been used in some certification-related studies (e.g. Lo et al. 2017). Firms that could not be searched by the platform were re-checked using their official websites, annual reports and search engines (e.g. Baidu). The dummy variable is coded as 1 (one) for firms with ISO 14000 and 0 (zero) for without ISO 14000 during the period from 2013 to 2015.
Impact of HMI on driver’s distraction on a freeway under heavy foggy condition based on visual characteristics
Published in Journal of Transportation Safety & Security, 2022
Dunli Hu, Xiaofan Feng, Xiaohua Zhao, Haijian Li, Jianming Ma, Qiang Fu
Area C is the control module of the variable speed limit, which displays the current speed of the driving vehicle and the current speed limit of the current section in the image in real-time. When the system detects that the vehicle is over the speed limit, it will trigger a voice prompt. According to China’s speed limit regulations (Certification and Accreditation Administration of the People’s Republic of China, 2017; Standardization Administration of the People’s Republic of China, 2011), the speed limits in the fog-free zone and the heavy fog zone are 120 km/h and 60 km/h, respectively.
Upscaling bio-based construction: challenges and opportunities
Published in Building Research & Information, 2023
Barrie Dams, Dan Maskell, Andrew Shea, Stephen Allen, Valeria Cascione, Pete Walker
An important step towards upscaling an emerging product is gaining certification and accreditation, plus dealing with the potentially large costs involved. Products based on emerging bio-based materials currently sitting outside of accreditation will not be specified due to concerns with material properties, especially conformity to fire resistance regulations. Key to addressing this issue is gaining data from research and experimentation such as mechanical properties, fire, acoustic properties, and durability of the new materials in line with existing standards, allowing as close a comparison to conventional materials as can be made with emerging bio-based materials. Certification based on data is crucial for the confidence of clients, contractors, and insurers to work with bio-based materials and finance projects. ‘Too many products are sitting outside accreditation. A contractor won’t use them because of the risk.’ (Interviewee 4)Previous bio-based material studies have highlighted the importance of product certification for the development of a bio-based economy (Ladu & Blind, 2017), (Morone et al., 2021). It was confirmed by interviewees that there are potentially prohibitive costs associated with gaining accreditation for newly developed materials and certification schemes can be viewed as excessively complex by material developers. Interviewee 2 explained that it is challenging to test an emerging bio-based material using a standard developed by a large multi-national company for conventional construction material. The creation of a standard for an emerging material can cost £200,000; the use of a suitable existing standard which may be applied to a new material can reduce the cost of accreditation by an order of magnitude.