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probabilistic Turing machine
A probabilistic Turing machine is a type of computer that can generate multiple potential outputs for a given input based on the current state of the machine and the data on the tape. This differs from a classical Turing machine, which produces a single output for a given input.From: Solid State and Quantum Theory for Optoelectronics [2019]
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alternating Turing machine a nondeterministic Turing machine having universal states, from which the machine accepts only if all possible moves out of that state lead to acceptance. See also model of computation, nondeterministic Turing machine, oracle Turing machine, probabilistic Turing machine, universal Turing machine.
Reflections on probabilistic compared to quantum computational devices
A probabilistic Turing machine (PTM), on a finite set Q of states and the finite alphabet Γ, is given by a transition function δ: Γ × Q × Γ × Q × {L, N, R} → [0, 1] such that if (σ∗, q∗) ∈ Γ × Q, then