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An Introduction to DEVS Standardization
Published in Gabriel A. Wainer, Pieter J. Mosterman, Discrete-Event Modeling and Simulation, 2018
Gabriel A. Wainer, Khaldoon Al-Zoubi, David R.C. Hill, Saurabh Mittal, José L. Risco Martín, Hessam Sarjoughian, Luc Touraille, Mamadou K. Traoré, Bernard P. Zeigler
WSDL (Web-Services Definition Language) and SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) are the main elements that enable SOAP-based Web-services (WS) interoperability. SOAP-based Web-services provide interoperability in a similar way as CORBA: WSDL is equivalent to CORBA’s IDL role, where SOAP corresponds to ORB data marshaling/serialization function. Further, Web-service ports are addressed by Unified Resource Identifiers (URI) where CORBA objects are addressed by references. Both ports and objects contain a collection of procedures (called services by WS) similar to Java/C++ classes. Those procedures glue software components across the network, providing an RPC-style type of software interoperability, as shown in Figure 16.10.
Web Services for Embedded Devices
Published in Richard Zurawski, Industrial Communication Technology Handbook, 2017
Vlado Altmann, Hendrik Bohn, Frank Golatowski
The abstract part of a WSDL document promotes reusability by describing the functionality of the services independent of its technical details such as underlying transport protocols and message format. Firstly, the data types that are needed for message exchange are defined. In order to ensure highest interoperability, WSDL refers to XML Schema Definition as the preferred data type scheme. Messages are abstract definitions of data being transmitted from and to a WS. Messages consist of one or more logical parts. The port types definition can be seen as abstract interfaces to services offered by the WSDL. Port types are a set of abstract operations. An operation is a set of messages exchanged by following a certain pattern. WSDL supports the following four MEP: one-way, request-response, solicit-response, and notification. They are implicitly identified in the WSDL by the appearing order of input and output messages. Request-response and solicit-response operations may also define one or more fault messages in case a response cannot be sent.
Software Technology for A/V Systems
Published in Al Kovalick, Video Systems in an IT Environment, 2013
The key tools in Figure 4.13 are SOAP, XML, WSDL, and UDDI. SOAP and XML are explored in Section 4.3. The Web Services Description Language (WSDL), expressed in XML, defines the methods and data structures employed by a service. It offers the first standard way for clients to know exactly what methods a service can perform. Consumers parse a WSDL document to determine the operations a Web service provides and how to execute them. UDDI is the Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration protocol. A service provider registers its service functionality, expressed in WSDL, with the directory using UDDI. The discovery broker in Figure 4.13 supports both UDDI as a registering mechanism and WSDL as a service descriptor. Web services can exist without UDDI, but the services must be advertised by other means. A study of Figure 4.13 shows the common use of XML/WSDL for message exchange.
Web service discovery with incorporation of web services clustering
Published in International Journal of Computers and Applications, 2023
Sunita Jalal, Dharmendra Kumar Yadav, Chetan Singh Negi
Web service description language (WSDL) [19] is an XML-based standard which describes web services. Web service description document describes service interface and specific protocol binding used by the service, but it does not contain any implementation detail of the service. The web service description in WSDL 1.1 for OrderService is shown in the Figure 3. In the WSDL document, service element defines service name and contains a set of port elements. Each port element has only one binding. A binding element has only one portType. Each portType element includes a set of operations, with every operation having an input message and output message. Each message element consists of a set of parts where each part describes the structure of the message using the XML schema.
A Multilayered Clustering Framework to build a Service Portfolio using Swarm-based algorithms
Published in Automatika, 2019
I. R. Praveen Joe, P. Varalakshmi
The following are the sources of the metadata of a web service XML Schema – For defining data types and structures.WSDL – For defining messages, message exchange patterns, interfaces and endpoints.WS-Policy – For declaring assertions for various qualities of service requirements, such as reliability, security, and transactions.WS-Addressing – For defining Web service endpoint references and associated message patterns.WS-MetadataExchange – For dynamically accessing XML, WSDL, and WS-Policy metadata when required.
Extension of specification language for soundness and completeness of service workflow
Published in Enterprise Information Systems, 2018
Wattana Viriyasitavat, Li Da Xu, Zhuming Bi, Assadaporn Sapsomboon
By using the standard description languages such as the Web Service Description Language (WSDL), a service can expose its interface to the outside world for service discovery, either by SOAP or Representational State Transfer (REST) protocols, be invoked separately or as a composition (Wei and Blake 2010). A workflow can be modeled as a Petri Net since they have well-defined semantics. In a Petri net, the conditions for the services were represented by places, and the tasks were modeled by transitions, and the cases, as the enactments of the processes, were represented by tokens (Tiplea and Leahu 2016). Composing services into a workflow requires a composition language that is capable of describing both the control and data flow. Rosenberg et al. (2008) proposed the Bite as the composition language to create workflows over the web.