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User Requirements Analysis
Published in Marcelo M. Soares, Francisco Rebelo, Tareq Z. Ahram, Handbook of Usability and User Experience, 2022
A user story is a note that captures what a user does or needs to do as part of their work. Each user story consists of a short description written from the user's point of view, with natural language. Unlike traditional requirement capture, user stories focus on what users need instead of what the system should deliver. This leaves room for further discussion of solutions and the result of a system that can really fit into the customers' business workflow, solving their operational problems and adding value to the organization. User stories are compatible with the other agile software development techniques and methods, such as scrum (weekly design team meeting) and extreme programming. User stories describe the user's role, goal and acceptance criteria. The details of a user story may not be documented to the same extent as for a use case but are meant to elicit conversations by asking questions during a design team meeting. They allow the generation of design feedback more frequently, rather than having more detailed up-front requirement specification meetings.
Multidisciplinary Teams Required for the Development of Next-Generation Energetics
Published in Mark J. Mezger, Kay J. Tindle, Michelle Pantoya, Lori J. Groven, Dilhan M. Kalyon, Energetic Materials, 2017
Kay J. Tindle, Daniel Marangoni, Nicholas J. Marangoni
The work of the Scrum team is organized into month-long (sometimes shorter) periods called sprints (Beyer, 2010). Lead by the ScrumMaster, these sprints adopt user stories that can be addressed. User stories are elements of the desired solution and are intended to capture enough about the feature of the solution to be meaningful to the team. Carroll (2010) states that a user story can be eXMressed in the form, “As a [user role], I want [a feature] so that I can [achieve some goal]” (p. 5). Stories are selected to help define the scope of the sprint, and tasks are identified in order to address the stories. During the sprint, several management tools are used to track progress (such as burn-down charts), and are displayed by the ScrumMaster in prominent areas for the whole team to see. Each day starts with a stand-up meeting of the whole team, so that ideas and progress reports can be shared. Team members share their individual goals for the day given what they have already accomplished, and account for obstacles or potential obstacles in their way. At the end of a sprint, a review session is held with the product owner to discuss progress, reevaluate team direction, reprioritize stories, and adopt relevant new stories as needed.
Cloud DevOps
Published in Haishi Bai, Zen of Cloud, 2019
A good user story should consist of a clear user role, action, and expected results. For example, for Google search, a user story could be “As an Internet user, I should be able to quickly find the most relevant web pages by a keyword search, as shown in Figure 8.16.” This user story contains both a functional requirement (keyword search) and non-function requirement (quick response time). You can easily convert this user story into actionable work items. On the other hand, if you find it hard to come up with actionable work items, the user story probably needs to be revised to provide clarity.
Synthesizing Agile and Knowledge Discovery: Case Study Results
Published in Journal of Computer Information Systems, 2018
Cecil Schmidt, Wenying Nan Sun
Agile development is supported by concrete practices. Notable agile practices include (but are not limited to): continuous integration, test-driven development, pair programming, user story, and Scrum events [39]. With continuous integration programs are integrated early and often. In test-driven development, the developers first write automated test cases, then write the code to pass the test, and finally refactor the code; it advocates short development cycles. In pair programming, two developers work together on the same programming task: the driver writes the code while the navigator reviews the code as it is typed in. User story facilitates requirements management. It captures what a user does or needs to do as part of her job function and provides the basis for defining the functions a system must provide. Scrum events include sprints, review, and retrospective. In each sprint, developers hold a daily scrum to discuss what was done, what will be done, and whether there are any impediments. At the end of each sprint, developers review and present the completed work to the stakeholders. At the sprint retrospective, the developers reflect on the past sprint and identify opportunities for continuous improvement.
Lessons from a Marine Spatial Planning data management process for Ireland
Published in International Journal of Digital Earth, 2021
Sarah Flynn, Will Meaney, Adam M. Leadbetter, Jeffrey P. Fisher, Caitriona Nic Aonghusa
Before defining a process for Marine Spatial Planning data, key users of the system and data sources managed by the system were defined. A user story is an informal, natural language description of one or more features of a specific system. User stories are written from the perspective of an end user or user of a system. User stories created for the MSP process described by this paper were written using the format