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Introduction to Algorithms and Data Structures
Published in Sriraman Sridharan, R. Balakrishnan, Foundations of Discrete Mathematics with Algorithms and Programming, 2019
Sriraman Sridharan, R. Balakrishnan
Stacks: A stack is a special case of a list in which the operations of insertion and suppression of an element of the list are performed at one end. (If the elements of a list are written from left to right, then the list has two ends, the left end and right end.) The end in which the operations of insertion and deletion are done is called the top of the stack. An example of a stack is the set of dishes in a cafeteria, where it is easy to remove the top dish or add a new dish at the top of the pile. A stack is also referred to as a “LIFO” (last-in-first-out) list. The operation of adding a new element at the top is referred to as “push” and the reverse operation of deleting the element at the top of the stack is called “pop.” The main application of stacks is in the implementation of recursion in programming languages. To convert a recursive program into a non-recursive one, the programmer has to manage the stack explicitly.
Computer Architecture
Published in Bogdan M. Wilamowski, J. David Irwin, Fundamentals of Industrial Electronics, 2018
A dedicated stack pointer (SP) register contains the address of the top element on the stack. An operation called PUSH adds an element to the stack, and an operation called POP or PULL removes an element from the stack, as illustrated in Figure 23.10. The SP automatically increments and decrements as elements are added to and removed from the stack. ARM does not have dedicated PUSH/PULL instructions, although the memory-addressing capabilities of the memory load and store instructions can perform basic stack operations, using any of the 16 registers as an SP. In lieu of a stack, ARM saves its program counter and the current PSR in registers R14 and SPSR (saved processor status register), respectively, for subroutine calls and interrupts.
Computer Architecture — an Introduction
Published in K. S. Fu, Ichikawa Tadao, Special Computer Architectures for Pattern Processing, 1982
C. V. Ramamoorthy, Benjamin W. Wah
A stack is a last-in-first-out data structure. Figure 4 shows a stack with a pointer TOP. Normally, only the element pointed to by TOP is accessible. The bottom of the stack is fixed and the top of the stack can grow or shrink. There are two operations, PUSH and POP, that can be applied on the stack. The PUSH operation pushes a new element onto the stack and increments the value of TOP. However, if the stack is full before the PUSH, the routine reports an error. The POP operation pops the top element off the stack. However, if the stack is empty before the POP, the routine reports an error. With the use of a stack, both arithmetic and block-oriented languages can be executed very efficiently.
When Agile Means Staying: A Moderated Mediated Model
Published in Journal of Computer Information Systems, 2022
Tenace Kwaku Setor, Damien Joseph
This study’s sample and data are drawn from the Stack Overflow survey dataset. Stack Overflow is an online developer platform founded in 2008 and owned by the Stack Exchange Network. The platform enables programmers to learn, collaborate, and exchange knowledge about a wide range of computer programming topics. As of 2019, the platform had over 10 million registered users.
In favour of or against multi-lingual Q&A sites? Exploring the evidence from user and knowledge perspectives
Published in Behaviour & Information Technology, 2021
Junfang Jia, Valeriia Tumanian, Guoqiang Li
There are 50,812 tags on English Stack Overflow and 3957 tags on Russian Stack Overflow. Among these 3957 tags on Russian Stack Overflow, 821 tags contain Russian characters and the rest 3136 tags are in English. We use Google Translate service (“Google Translate” 2018) to translate 821 tags with Russian characters into English.