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Ultra-Low Power SiGe Driver-IC for High-Speed InP Mach-Zehnder Modulator
Published in Choi Jung Han, Iniewski Krzysztof, High-Speed and Lower Power Technologies, 2018
Currently, some standards are under discussion for future optical transceiver formats [5]. Among them, two optical module standards seem attractive ones for future data center applications [6]: OSFP (Octal Small Form-factor Pluggable module) [7] and QSFP-DD (Quad Small Form-factor Pluggable Double Density) [4]. OSFP’s first proposal is to use 8-lanes with 50 Gb/s PAM-4 resulting in 400 Gb/s physical links. It possibly enables 4-lanes × 100 Gb/s PAM-4 = 400 Gb/s and 8-lanes × 100 Gb/s PAM-4 = 800 Gb/s in the future. One feature of this system is that it is agnostic with respect to different I/O protocols and it allows 12.8 Tb/s per switch slot (=32 × 400 Gb/s) [6]. In contrast to the OSFP, the QSFP-DD form-factor allows 14.4 Tb/s aggregate bandwidth per single switch slot since QSFP-DD is slightly narrower than OSFP [6]. Even though the market still requires mainly 100 Gb/s transceivers, it is certain that future optical transceivers will take form-factors like QSFP-DD and/or OSFP for future data center applications.
Networking and the Interwebs
Published in Tim Kuschel, The Live Event Video Technician, 2023
When making connections at these higher data rates, you will be using a device called SFP, or small form-factor pluggable. More specifically, SFP+ since these are the modules and ports rated for 25 Gbps and above. An SFP+ module can be outfitted with copper or fiber-optic cable, or ones used for ST-2110 connectivity may have HD-BNCs right on the front of the module for converting SDI to networking protocol. A pair of 25 Gbps SFP+s might be all that is needed to ingest all your ST-2110 sources into a compatible production switcher.
Technology for Telecommunications: Integrated Optics and Microelectronics
Published in Iannone Eugenio, Telecommunication Networks, 2017
There are a plethora of standard transceiver formats, but at present only two are really used in the telecommunication environment, the others being either confined to datacom application or completely substituted by more advanced formats: small form-factor pluggable (SFPs) and XFPs. Thus we will talk in detail only about these two standards.
Construction of Data Acquisition and Processing System for Diagnostics Based on TSN Fiber Network at ASIPP NBI System
Published in Fusion Science and Technology, 2022
Ling Yu, Yongjian Xu, Xufeng Peng, Wei Liu, Yahong Xie
The hardware of the test system includes a signal generator, two National Instruments (NI) CompactDAQ-9189 chassis and two voltage input modules (NI-9205), as shown in Fig. 4. In order to simulate the distributed acquisition mode of the actual experimental condition, a star topology network based on the TSN protocol is set up through a Cisco switch (IE-4000-8GS4G-E) with an eight-port Small Form-factor Pluggable (SFP) interface. Considering the potential difference, two optical isolation module transition networks (M/GE-T-SFP-01) are used to convert optical signals into electrical ones. As the time delay of the entire system depends on the synchronization of each acquisition unit, the synchronization and accuracy were tested.
Fan Cooling Investigation for High-Speed Electronic Interconnect
Published in Heat Transfer Engineering, 2023
Taolue Zhang, Qibo Li, Gokul Shankaran, Peerouz Amleshi
Recently, cloud computing and 5G network are becoming increasingly crucial in datacom industry. As a result, high-speed electronic interconnects are getting more and more significant to meet the demanding data transmission speed. Among the high-speed interconnects in market, Quad Small Form-factor Pluggable-Double Density (QSFP-DD) is the smallest system capable of providing over 14 Tb/s of data transmission speed in a single rack unit (RU). However, due to the high data transmission speed, power dissipation of QSFP-DD in a single RU is in the range of 400–960 W, which remains a challenging job for datacom industry.