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Building product models, terminologies, and object type libraries
Published in Pieter Pauwels, Kris McGlinn, Buildings and Semantics, 2023
Aaron Costin, Jeffrey W. Ouellette, Jakob Beetz
The Resource Description Framework (RDF) is a framework for conceptual description and the modelling of information that is implemented in web resources. The RDF Schema (RDFS) provides a data modelling vocabulary for RDF data. RDF is composed of three components, known as RDF triples: subject, predicate, and object. RDF triples state a single fact about a resource, in which the subject is the subject being described, the predicate is the relationship of the subject, and the object represents what is related to the subject by the predicate. RDF and RDFS are managed by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), the main international standards organisation for the World Wide Web (WWW). RDF is a good basic language for building many other languages, although it has limitations with being expressive and in describing resources.
Advanced RDF
Published in Giovanni Bartolomeo, Tatiana Kováčiková, Identification and Management of Distributed Data: NGN, Content-Centric Networks and the Web, 2016
Giovanni Bartolomeo, Tatiana Kováčiková
According to the RDF schema vocabulary, resources may be classes, properties, individuals, or datatypes. The RDF predicate stating this condition is rdf:type. Note that rdf:type is itself a property that belongs to the RDF core namespace, whose prefix is usually rdf:. rdf:type has nothing special compared with other properties, including those that any RDF user can define, except its well-known meaning. For instance, the following Turtle excerpt: @prefix rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#> . @prefix rdfs: < http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema# > . @prefix ex: <http://example.org/resources#> . ex:C1 rdf:type rdfs:Class. ex:C2 rdf:type rdfs:Class; rdfs:subClassOf ex:C1 . ex:C3 rdf:type rdfs:Class; rdfs:subClassOf ex:C2; rdfs:subClassOf ex:C1. ex:i1 rdf:type ex:C3; rdf:type ex:C2; rdf:type ex:C1.
Semantic Technologies for IoT
Published in B.K. Tripathy, J. Anuradha, Internet of Things (IoT), 2017
Viswanathan Vadivel, Shridevi Subramanian
RDF Schema is a semantic extension of RDF. RDF Schema is abbreviated in different ways as RDFS, RDF(S), RDF-S, or RDF/S. RDFS provides a data-modeling vocabulary for RDF data. It provides a way for describing groups of resources and the relationships between these resources. These resources can be used to determine characteristics of other resources such as the domains and ranges of properties.
Business-Driven Data Recommender System: Design and Implementation
Published in Journal of Computer Information Systems, 2023
Sarah Pinon, Corentin Burnay, Isabelle Linden
Technically, the instantiation was done in OWL2 in the form of RDF schema.57 OWL and RDF schema are standards in the Semantic Web.34 We indeed exploit the Python module OWLReady247 and the Python package rdflib58 which are two well-known python libraries. A subpart of the instantiated Ontology is illustrated in Figure 7.