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Quantum Cryptography
Published in Shashi Bhushan, Manoj Kumar, Pramod Kumar, Renjith V. Ravi, Anuj Kumar Singh, Holistic Approach to Quantum Cryptography in Cyber Security, 2023
Quantum cryptography involves the usage of quantum communication and quantum computation to perform various cryptographic tasks. The most important mathematical tools involved are (a) complex numbers, (b) vertical representation of function having infinite components, and (c) energy function and wave nature of the particle. Unlike conventional cryptographic tasks, where certain tasks are perceived to be impossible, quantum cryptography makes it possible by employing protocols such as BB84 for a single photon and E91 for entangled particles in quantum cryptography. Quantum channels are employed generously for key distribution and the encoded messages are sent through public channels [13]. In conventional communication, the signal is split and amplified so the communication parties were completely unaware of whether eavesdropping has taken place or not, leading to jeopardizing the sharing of private keys [14]. The no-cloning theorem completely eliminates and duplicates the unknown state of a particle, thereby preventing the copies of the original particle.
Published in Paul L. Goethals, Natalie M. Scala, Daniel T. Bennett, Mathematics in Cyber Research, 2022
Gretchen L. Matthews, Aidan W. Murphy
At present time, we do not have large-scale quantum computers capable of running Shor's Algorithm on reasonably sized problems. However, more and more attention is being paid to the impact of quantum algorithms on cryptographic protocols, especially as we enter an era in which some entities may have access to powerful quantum computing before others. In this timeframe, most (if not all) communications will be conducted via classical methods, while some more financially potent or dominant parties would have the power to intercept and decipher messages meant for others. It is also the case that large amounts of information communicated or generated today may be stored in anticipation of the ability to decrypt when quantum computing is more viable, in what is sometimes termed a download now, decrypt later attack. Post-quantum cryptography is a way of securing classical information, meaning strings of elements from a finite alphabet, that is believed to be robust even in the presence of quantum algorithms. A distinction must be made between post-quantum cryptography and quantum cryptography. Quantum cryptography uses quantum mechanics to securely communicate. It comes with the promise of provably secure communications and the ability to detect eavesdropping. This would obviously be a major scientific advance, but it is not yet within reach. For those reasons, we focus on post-quantum cryptography. This is portrayed in Figure 2.1.
Elements of Quantum Electronics
Published in Michael Olorunfunmi Kolawole, Electronics, 2020
Quantum cryptography—another name for Quantum key distribution (QKD)—constitutes an approach for the distribution of cryptographic keys. In contrast to classical key distribution schemes, QKD security is based on the laws of quantum physics. In classical transmission system, the security of the information being transmitted is ensured by using cryptographic protocol: encrypting the information being sent from site A to site B and decrypting the encrypted information at the other end (site B), while preventing a malevolent third-party eavesdropping [26]. The classical cryptographic functions—encryption, decryption, and key distribution or management—have been discussed in detail in [26], Chapter 1.
Review of Security Methods Based on Classical Cryptography and Quantum Cryptography
Published in Cybernetics and Systems, 2023
Shalini Subramani, Selvi M, Kannan A, Santhosh Kumar Svn
The security in communication can be improved by encrypting the data before it is communicated (Stallings 2006). The encryption can be performed with symmetric key cryptography for medium sensitive applications and the encryption must be performed using public key cryptography for communicating highly sensitive data with confidentiality. Integrity can be maintained by proper key generation, exchange and management techniques (Pandi Vijayakumar et. al 2014, Das et al. 2009). In a group communication, keys must be updated in such a way that the newly joining members must be able to see the new data and all the data communicated after they joined the group. On the other hand, if some of the existing members are leaving the group, such members must be allowed to see only the data pertaining to the past communications. Trust management is necessary to find the malicious users who are present among the users. The nodes used by the malicious users must be identified and isolated from taking part in further communication. For storage and retrieval, the data must be encrypted either using symmetric key cryptography or public key cryptography depending on the sensitivity level of the data (Sannasy Muthurajkumar et al. 2017). In case of quantum computers, the quantum cryptography techniques can be used for performing effective communication in encrypted form. The primary motivation of this paper is to compare the advantages and disadvantages of the existing works and to enhance the security in future works based on the suggestions given in this paper. One of the important motivations is to encrypt the data before communicating it. The major objectives of this work are:To study and analyze the security levels of the existing systems that uses the classical cryptography methods.To study the impact of attackers who are present in the network and are responsible for disturbing the communication through various types of attacks.To study the development of intrusion detection systems and on how to use them for securing the network communication.To explore the use of public key cryptography for handling the security in network communication.To analyze the user behaviors in order to find the intruders more effectively.To identify the research gaps, present in the existing works.To explore the possibility of using quantum cryptography for handling big data based applications.