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Introducing NovaGenesis as a Novel Distributed System-Based Convergent Information Architecture
Published in Phan Cong Vinh, Nature-Inspired Networking: Theory and Applications, 2018
Antonio Marcos Alberti, Marco Aurelio Favoreto Casaroli, Rodrigo da Rosa Righi, Dhananjay Singh
The NetInf [59] relies on a convergence layer (CL) to transport its messages among NetInf nodes. Current realizations of CL include support for HTTP over TCP, UDP, disruption/delay tolerant network, bundle protocol, and Ethernet. In OpenNetInf [60] implementation, nodes communicate via HTTP or TCP. They can also use Google protocol buffers (GPBs) [61] or XML [62] for the serialization of the messages. OpenNetInf nodes are implemented using Guice [63], a Java framework developed by Google. Nodes perform search by using a semantic web query language called SPARQL [64]. An SDB database is used to store data on resource description framework [65] format. The NRS is implemented in Java using FreePastry [66] and Multi-level Distributed Hash Table (MDHT) [67].
The ASSISTANT project: AI for high level decisions in manufacturing
Published in International Journal of Production Research, 2023
G. Castañé, A. Dolgui, N. Kousi, B. Meyers, S. Thevenin, E. Vyhmeister, P-O. Östberg
The overall design of the orchestration system will be human-centric, and allow users to visualise where the data is sent and keep complete control on data flows and placement decisions. The platform will be based on established technology-neutral mechanisms such as JSON-based REST services, Google protocol buffers, and OpenSSL for secure messaging, and built on state of the art Python, R, and Matlab libraries for time-series and deep learning techniques, as well as providing interfaces that allow integration with modern resource management tools such as Kubernetes, docker, and Istio service meshes. Overlap and integration of the data fabric into existing management frameworks such as the I4.0 Asset Administration Shell and the Reference Architectural Model RAMI 4.0 will be studied in the project.