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Introduction to LabVIEW
Published in Rick Bitter, Taqi Mohiuddin, Matt Nawrocki, LabVIEW™ Advanced Programming Techniques, 2017
Rick Bitter, Taqi Mohiuddin, Matt Nawrocki
Many programmers use initialization files for use with their applications. LabVIEW supplies a set of interfaces to read and write from these types of files. The “platform independent” configuration file handlers construct, read, and write keys to the file that an application can use at startup. Programmers who do not use Windows, or programmers who need to support multiple operating systems, will find this set of functions very useful. There is no need to write your own parsing routines. Data that may be desired in a configuration file is the working directory, display preferences, the last log files saved to, and instrument calibration factors. These types of files are not used often enough in programming. Configuration files allow for flexibility in programs that is persistent. Persistent data is data that is written to the hard disk on shutdown and read back on startup.
Published in Phillip A. Laplante, Dictionary of Computer Science, Engineering, and Technology, 2017
persistent data data that continues to exist after the process or transaction that created it has terminated. Persistent data may be used and possibly altered by many different transactions or processes. Files and databases are examples of persistent data in computer systems.
Data access control in data exchanging supporting big data arena
Published in Journal of Management Analytics, 2018
Haoyang Jia, Yimin Sheng, Weili Han, X. Sean Wang
To defend against T2.1, BDA prepends PEP (Policy Enforcement Point) into data management system. Because data in the BDA have two types, we separately design two kinds of access control mechanisms for different data management process. When we store persistent data set in HIVE, for instance, the access control policies in S1.1 set by data owners should be synchronized with HIVE; and when we use streaming data processing tools such as Kafka, the access control codes should be inserted into Kafka's corresponding interfaces to resist illegal visitors.