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Modelling High-Capacity Nonlinear Transmission Systems
Published in Andrew Ellis, Mariia Sorokina, Optical Communication Systems, 2019
Hadrien Louchet, Nikolay Karelin, André Richter
where βlmsolver is the actual mode propagation constant (as calculated by the mode solver) and βmean Gi(f) the average of the mode propagation constants of group Gi. LMG is the intragroup correlation length, τMG in s/m is the local birefringence of the spatially degenerate modes LPlm,a/LPlm,b and DPMD=Δβ1l,m⋅Lc1/2 (see Section 1.2) measured at the reference frequency fr.
Published in Lyubomir T. Gruyitch, Linear Continuous-Time Systems, 2017
Note 172This theorem holds also for the RS (2.37), and the PMD systems (2.36), (in Section 2.3), because they are the special cases (Appendix C.3) of the IIO systems (2.35), (in Section 2.3), i.e., (3.90) (in Subsection 3.5.4), () Q(α)rα(t)=P(β)iβ(t),E(ν)yν(t)=R(α)rα(t)+T(μ)iμ(t).
Portal Testing
Published in Shailesh Kumar Shivakumar, and User Experience Platforms, 2015
Portal Source Code Scanning: Source code scanning for security issues can be done manually and through security scanning tools. This needs to be part of the code review process. Open source tools such as FindBugs (http://findbugs.source-forge.net/), PMD (http://pmd.sourceforge.net/), OWASP SWAAT (https://www.owasp.org/index.php/Category:OWASP_SWAAT_Project) can be leveraged for detecting vulnerabilities in the portal source code. Additionally, portal developers should also use the portal security checklist as a guideline for developing and addressing security issues at the source. A portal security checklist is provided in Chapter 15.
Proactively managing clones inside an IDE: a systematic literature review
Published in International Journal of Computers and Applications, 2022
Sarveshwar Bharti, Hardeep Singh
PMD CPD: CPD (Copy Paste Detector) [44] is available as a part of PMD. PMD is a tool for statically analyzing the java code. PMD has plug-ins for Eclipse, jEdit, jBuilder, etc. CPD uses Rabin- Karp string searching algorithm for detecting code duplication. It can detect duplications for different languages like Java, C, C++, PHP etc. It uses fingerprinting clone detection approach and is able to identify type 1 and 2 clones easily.