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Defining multi-gear fisheries through species association
Published in C. Guedes Soares, T.A. Santos, Trends in Maritime Technology and Engineering Volume 2, 2022
For the association rules visualization, the software Gephi 0.9.1 was used to apply force-directed graph drawing, using the force atlas algorithm, and modularity procedure for community detection for a total of 7 groups was conducted (Resolution=2.0) (Bastian et al., 2009) . These groups were based on the different and most common fishing licenses used by the multi-gear fleet: bottom longlines, traps and pots, gillnets, trammel nets, drifting longlines, pole and line and drifting gillnets. In the present study, a further step was explored when analysing these species associations: an attempt to assign fishing gears to the trips in analysis. In fact, distinct associations can be assigned specific gear types according to previous knowledge on the ecology and fisheries, including the types of fishing gears used, for the different species in the associations.
Logistics in Global Supply Chain Engineering
Published in Erick C. Jones, Supply Chain Engineering and Logistics Handbook, 2020
An optimal layout is similar to that generated by common force-directed graph drawing algorithms that place adjacent nodes closely while separating nonadjacent nodes. Therefore, we may estimate the distances between nonadjacent antennas and then give constructive suggestions to minimize the blind spot within the reachable zone.
Using Rhythm Network to Enhance Courses Engineering in E-Learning Environments
Published in Cybernetics and Systems, 2020
Guillaume Blot, Francis Rousseaux
We introduce a visualization convention for ties. The more an edge is thick, the longer it takes to go from the source to the destination. Furthermore, the graph is oriented, and an edge can be bidirectional. Visualization Algorithm is Fruchterman & Reingold. Fruchterman & Reingold is a force-directed graph drawing algorithm. The authors describe their methods as a “simple, elegant, conceptually-intuitive and efficient algorithm” (Thomas and Edward 1991). Besides an elegant shape, all nodes are positioned at equal length, and this reminds the fact that we wish to consider all resources at the same level. Because data extraction breaks the initial organization among resources, all resources are equal in the hierarchy. This algorithm improves the one made by Eades, who first used the concept of attractive and repulsive forces (Peter 1984).