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War of Control Hijacking
Published in Uzzal Sharma, Parmanand Astya, Anupam Baliyan, Salah-ddine Krit, Vishal Jain, Mohammad Zubair Khan, Advancing Computational Intelligence Techniques for Security Systems Design, 2023
Ragini Karwayun, Monika Sainger
Various audit software can be used to test the software for vulnerabilities. Several automated tools are available in the market like Codacy, SonarQube, Coverity, PREfix, PREfast, and many more. Codacy is an automated tool used for code review. It supports more than 40 programming languages like Scala, Java, Ruby, JavaScript, PHP, Python, CoffeeScript, and CSS. SonarQube provides continuous improvement by giving a detailed report about the quality of the source code and highlights the issues found. Coverity performs static analysis of all the possible paths of execution through source code, and detects vulnerabilities caused by the conjunction of independently correct statements. The PREfix tool representatively executes chosen paths through a C/C++ program, and during this process it looks for multiple low-level programming errors, including NULL pointer dereferences, the use of uninitialized memory, double freeing of resources, etc. PREfast analysis is inexpensive, and uses pattern matching in the syntax tree of the C/C++ program to find naive programming mistakes. Other analyses are centered on local dataflow analyses to find uninitialized use of variables, NULL pointer dereferences, etc. [20]. But the major problem with these tools is that they are expansive and exclusively designed for specific software.
Positioning and Tracking Approaches and Technologies
Published in Hassan A. Karimi, Advanced Location-Based Technologies and Services, 2016
Dorota Grejner-Brzezinska, Allison Kealy
The location (multipath) pattern matching method uses multipath signature in the vicinity of the mobile user to find its location. The user’s terminal sends a signal that gets scattered by bouncing off the objects on its way to the cell tower. Thus, the cell tower receives a multipath signal and compares its signature with the multipath location database, which defines locations by their unique multipath characteristics (Figure 1.13). An example implementation, developed by the U.S. Wireless Corp. (2002), uses the location pattern matching technology (RadioCamera™) by measuring the radio signal’s distinct radio frequency patterns and multipath characteristics to determine the user’s location. With this method, the subscribers do not need any special updates to the mobile terminals to access the services, and wireless carriers do not need to make the infrastructure investments to offer LBS.
Published in Randall L. Eubank, Ana Kupresanin, Statistical Computing in C++ and R, 2011
Randall L. Eubank, Ana Kupresanin
Here we revisit the binary search tree from Figure 9.9. The tree is constructed using both the insert method and the [] operator. After inserting a node with key 0 and data member 2 , the value of the data member is both accessed and changed using the index method. Output is produced to see the effect of these two procedures as well as that of an insertion using []. An iterator is created next and used to explore the container while printing out the key values for each node in the process. The find method is then employed to locate the node with a key of -2. The iterator returned from find is used in the erase method to remove that particular node from the tree. Finally, several nodes are removed with erase using their key values and the container is explored again using an iterator to assess the changes that have been made. In this latter instance we have carried out the exploration with a
A Method to Plan the Path of a Robot Utilizing Deep Reinforcement Learning and Multi-Sensory Information Fusion
Published in Applied Artificial Intelligence, 2023
PP has been one of the important tasks in mobile robots’ control intelligence. The purpose of PP is to make the robot receive environmental information through its sensors and automatically generate a safe and optimal path. Reference (Li et al. 2022) proposed a PRM graph search algorithm, which can draw a roadmap between the initial and the final points through optimization rules under certain constraints and solve some path planning problems in high-dimensional complex spaces. RRT is a tree-based incremental sampling search method. RRT randomly picks points in the environment space from the starting point without any parameter tuning. Taking the initial point as the root node, according to the constraints of the path planning, the next node is expanded and stored in the search tree until the search tree fills the entire space to find the endpoint (Noreen, Khan, and Habib 2016a). Reference (Wang et al. 2020) proposed an improved RRT algorithm, which introduced a search for newly generated nodes and neighboring nodes and optimized the path cost.
Monitoring Transient Stability in Electric Power Systems Using a Hybrid Model of Convolutional Neural Network and Random Forest
Published in Electric Power Components and Systems, 2023
Hafsa Ahmad, Muhammad Yousif, Maliha Shah, Najeeb Ullah
Several decision trees together compose a random forest algorithm, trained by bootstrap aggregating that enhanced its efficiency [28, 29]. In the construction of a tree, each node is split into branches to find the best feature. Hyper-parameter optimization is achieved by random search. To prepare sample hyper-parameters, a K-fold cross-validation approach is used. Random search is used for finely tuning the hyper-parameters i.e., a sum of samples needed at a leaf node, a sum of trees, max depth of trees, the ratio of features to be considered, quality measures of a tree split, etc. After the formation of RF, every node of a decision tree is distributed into binary offspring. This division criterion lessens the impurity of a node, calculated by Gini importance [29] given as: where is the sample proportion, and ‘j’ represents the label of a node. After dividing, the node is given as where are the respective child node and represents Gini’s importance. Gini importance for any feature X is defined as
Tree-based data filtering for online user-generated reviews
Published in IISE Transactions, 2023
To find a dish for a particular table, rCRP performs a recursive search beginning from the root node of tree. Figure 2(b) illustrates the possible dish assignments as well as the selecting probabilities under an example scenario of rCRP. The recursive search makes one of the following three choices at each examined node k and stops only when the first choice is made. Choose current dish k with probability Choose one of the existing child dishes of k with probability Create a new child dish of k, and choose it with the probability