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Application of technology
Published in Mike Tooley, Engineering GCSE, 2012
One of the most recent developments has been that of the Extranet. Extranets are several Intranets linked together so that businesses can share information with their customers and suppliers. Consider, for example, the production of a European aircraft by four major aerospace companies located in different European countries. They might connect their individual company Intranets (or parts of their Intranets) to each other, using private leased lines or even using the public Internet. The companies may also decide to set up a set of private newsgroups and bulletin boards with discussion threads so that employees from different companies can exchange ideas and share information. The ability to research, convey and share information helps to make the Internet indispensable to any engineering company!
Making Connections
Published in Kirk Hausman, Sustainable Enterprise Architecture, 2011
Similar to an intranet, the extranet is a privately accessible set of network resources available for organizational operation. Extranets extend the same functions as intranets but include external partners, suppliers, customers, and other authenticated computing resources outside the organization’s internal network space. Because of the rapid emergence of mobile devices used for business purposes, the line between intranet and extranet is increasingly blurred. Extranet security may involve stronger authentication mechanisms, such as two-factor log-ons, together with transport encryption strategies to secure data traveling over public network segments. As with intranets, formal change management procedures are mandatory for continued extranet function in the mid- to long term.
Business Improvement through Innovation in Construction Firms: The ‘Excellence’ Approach
Published in Ben Obinero Uwakweh, Issam A. Minkarah, 10th Symposium Construction Innovation and Global Competitiveness, 2002
Herbert S. Robinson, Patricia M. carrillo, Chimay J. Anumba, Ahmed M. Al-Ghassan
Fragmentation of demand and supply, low profit margin and fierce competition are some of the characteristics of the construction market that favor the penetration and growth of web-based technologies. Electronic market places offer aggregating benefits. Low profit margins create the need for efficiency within firms by reducing operational costs through web-based project management or collaborative design applications. These technologies, at the same time, allow firms to reduce the completion time of their services and offer value-added services through electronic networking. In the long run the above-described web based technologies offer several potential benefits to construction firms and industry. The regular gathering of buyers and sellers in a common network leads to a more transparent market with fewer information gaps and price discrepancies. A second benefit encompasses lower transaction costs. Network effects decrease search and marketing costs, while one-stop-shopping and standard processes streamline project management efforts. Project extranets, in addition, facilitate collaborative efforts that in turn create more value to clients, at least in terms of reduced project time, design document inconsistencies and possible litigation.
Investigation of scheduling integration of flexible manufacturing systems for mass customisation
Published in International Journal of Production Research, 2023
The figure in Appendix 1 is used to illustrate FMS scheduling integration with information flow in this dynamic system. Customer orders arrive dynamically to the FMS through Internet, Intranet, or Extranet. Arrived orders are placed in the preprocessing area of the FMS. Orders are then selected and inputted into the shop floor for processing by CNC machines. The information processing center consists of computers, servers, and tools to process information. The center can process information that are exchanged through internet, intranet, or extranet. The center can also process information that are obtained from RFID. The center possesses types of information systems required for FMS scheduling integration including the information systems to monitor the FMS shop floor and the information systems to provide scheduling decision-making support.
Dynamic Educational Recommender System Based on Improved Recurrent Neural Networks Using Attention Technique
Published in Applied Artificial Intelligence, 2022
Hadis Ahmadian Yazdi, Seyyed Javad Seyyed Mahdavi Chabok, Maryam Kheirabadi
Educational recommender systems are increasingly utilized as tools to assist students and teachers in implementing the learning process (Muthukumar and Bhalaji 2020; Zhang et al. 2018). Here, e-learning is one of the fields that its use is inevitable to improve the quality of education. E-learning is a form of education provided using various electronic tools (Internet, intranet, extranet, satellite networks, audio and videotapes, CDs). It is controlled in different ways (self-directed/controlled by the educator), and its implementation is without geographical and time restrictions (simultaneous/asynchronous learning). Other terms are used to describe this method of learning and educating, such as online learning, virtual learning, distributed education, and web-based learning (Mubarak, Cao, and Ahmed 2021; Tejeda-Lorente et al. 2015).
An adaptive defense mechanism to prevent advanced persistent threats
Published in Connection Science, 2021
Yi-xi Xie, Li-xin Ji, Ling-shu Li, Zehua Guo, Thar Baker
The attacker attempts to wrest the system control from the network administrator. Hence, various methods are to be employed to intrude upon their target entity’s network. Taking a simplified multi-stage attack as an example, the attacker first draws upon disclosure vulnerability or sends a phishing email to obtain the root authority of a legal tenant’s containers. Subsequently, the attacker executes SQL injection attacks on the compromised containers to acquire other containers’ authentication information. After sufficient instances are controlled, the attacker can launch a Denial of Service (DoS) attack to paralyze the IT infrastructures. In practice, APT attacks are much more complicated. To be more specific, this paper considers primarily attacks with the following two features: Infections or malicious activities give rise to system execution misbehaviour or perturb network performance features (e.g. CPU usage, memory usage, and network bandwidth usage). For instance, Worms are likely to cause slow execution and a huge consumer of bandwidth.Infections or malicious activities that are both continuative and multi-stage. For instance, considering an APT to an intranet-extranet isolation system, the attacker in the extranet is supposed to compromise the gateway before attacking the device in the intranet.