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First Steps with ROS2
Published in Francisco Martín Rico, A Concise Introduction to Robot Programming with ROS2, 2023
From an implementation point of view, a launcher is a python program that contains a generate_launch_description() function that returns a LaunchDescription object. A LaunchDescription object contains actions, among which we highlight: Node action: to run a program.IncludeLaunchDescription action: to include another launcher.DeclareLaunchArgument action: to declare launcher parameters.SetEnvironmentVariable action: to set an environment variable.
User Activity Recognition through Software Sensors
Published in Qurban A. Memon, Distributed Networks, 2017
Stephan Reiff-Marganiec, Kamran Taj Pathan, Yi Hong
Schilit et al. [27] used key–value pairs to model the context by providing the value of a context entity to an application as an environment variable. Markup scheme models are based on a hierarchical-based data structure, which extends on this simple model by using tags with attributes and content. They are usually based upon XML-type languages such as RDF/S (RDF Schema) and have the advantage of easy tool access, but lack of formality and expressiveness. The unified modelling language (UML) is a language to model the context using UML diagrams. Bauer et al. [28] and Henricksen et al. [29,30] defined a context model for in air traffic management in a graphical way using UML. The resulting object-oriented models provide encapsulation and reusability, where object-level details are encapsulated (hidden) to other components. A first logic-based context modelling approach has been published by McCarthy [31], introducing context entities as abstract mathematical entities, which are helpful in artificial intelligence. Ontologies are commonly used to specify concepts and their interrelations [32] and context models based on ontologies have been first proposed by Otzturk and Aamodt [33] and have since proven to be useful and popular in this domain.
Parallel Programming Using OpenMP
Published in Subrata Ray, Fortran 2018 with Parallel Programming, 2019
We have seen that we can control some of the parameters related to an Openmp construct in three different ways: (a) through an environment variable, (b) call to the runtime function and (c) using the clause associated with the construct. Consider a typical case. In these examples, the number of threads that will be available within a parallel region has been set by environment variable, call to the subroutine and using the clause associated with the construct as shown next: SET OMP_NUM_THREADS=10 call omp_set_num_threads(8) !$omp parallel num_threads(2)
A field study on indoor environmental quality and energy savings of an office building integrated with underfloor air conditioning system in India
Published in Science and Technology for the Built Environment, 2023
Ramesh Krishnan Lakshmanan, Gangadhara Kiran Kumar Lachireddi
The IEQ score was developed using the “weighted Euclidean distance” (Kim et al. 2019; Koo, Hong, and Kim 2015). Eventually, a cumulative score derived from the upper and lower range limits of the indoor environment variables (i.e., CO2, particulate matter (PM) level and thermal comfort index (PMV) reflects the IEQ score. The three significant concepts were used to produce the IEQ score: hyperplane, standardization, and fitness function. The absolute value of the IEQ score was calculated by combining the three indoor environment variable scores given by Equation 1. where wEdx,b is the weighted Euclidean distance between x and b, xi is the value of the i-th measure for the particular data, bi is the corresponding benchmark value (0) for the value of xi and wi is the weight value for the i-th measure. In this study, the weight value of each factor was set as "1". The range of IEQ score and the standardization value for each IEQ factor is referred to in previous literature (Kim et al. 2019).
Food Pantry Use and Its Association with Food Environment and Food Acquisition Behavior among Urban Adults
Published in Journal of Hunger & Environmental Nutrition, 2021
Akiko S. Hosler, Xiao Cong, Amani Alharthy
The neighborhood food environment variable was constructed as a binary variable. Based on the FARM data definition, a “low supermarket access neighborhood” was defined as a low-income census tract (poverty rate is 20% or greater, or median family income is less than or equal to 80% of the state-wide median family income) where a significant number (at least 500 people) or share (at least 33%) of the population was greater than 1.0 mile from the nearest supermarket.18 All other census tracks were designated as adequate supermarket access neighborhoods. Locational information of supermarkets in the FARM data was verified, and construct validity of the FARM data was established by confirming that neighborhood supermarket access was significantly associated with a density of stores selling adequate amount of fresh produce.28 For the food shopping behavior variables, respondents were asked how often they shopped for food at a particular type of store, and their responses were collapsed into “often or sometimes” and “rarely or never.”
Sustainable efficiency and CO2 reduction potential of China’s construction industry: application of a three-stage virtual frontier SBM-DEA model
Published in Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering, 2022
Zhao Yang, Hong Fang, Xiaoshan Xue
Sni indicates the slack variable for the n-th input of DMUi, Zi= (Z1i, Z2i, ···, Zki) represents the environment variables, refers to the influence of environment variable on input slack variable Sni, and the value is generally ., and are respectively used to represent mixed error term, random interference and management inefficiency, in which and are assumed to be independent of each other.