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Management of Information
Published in Gamel O. Wiredu, Global Software Engineering, 2019
At one extreme end are tasks that are lowly variable and highly analyzable which are routine or simple because they require information management without exceptional actions (e.g. assembly line work). At the opposite end are highly variable and lowly analyzable tasks, described as non-routine because they require information management through exceptional actions. GSE is non-routine work design or configuration because of the high emphases on teamwork, high reliance on engineers’ intellect, fewer routines, and high degrees of coordination by feedback and mutual adjustments. These emphases are typical instances of organizational design of lateral relations to increase capacity for information management. Investments in ICT by GSE organizations for the creation of global virtual teams exemplify increasing capacity for information management. Besides, emphasis on software and task modularization based on Conway’s law is a typical instance of organizational design to reduce the need for information management across units or subunits.
A Seamless Integration of Human and Automated Scoring
Published in Duanli Yan, André A. Rupp, Peter W. Foltz, Handbook of Automated Scoring, 2020
Kyle Habermehl, Aditya Nagarajan, Scott Dooley
At Pearson, automated essay scoring (AES) systems in particular were first developed for large-scale assessments. In those assessments, the focus is on customization, high volumes, and more recently, automation. Human scoring and AS groups historically had been separate groups at Pearson. Conway’s Law (Conway, n.d.), an oft-quoted law of computer system architecture, states that an organization that designs a system will produce a design whose structure is a copy of the organization’s communication structure. Prior to the introduction of this new architecture, Pearson systems and processes had evolved in accordance with Conway’s Law and exhibited a linear waterfall structure.
Overview of the Systems Engineering Process as it Applies to NSTX-U
Published in Fusion Science and Technology, 2019
How an organization is structured has a key influence on the design of the final product. Conway’s law4 infers that “Any organization that designs a system (defined broadly) will produce a design whose structure is a copy of the organization’s communication structure.” The NSTX-U has a well-defined organizational breakdown structure led by responsible engineers (REs). Each element in the SBS is assigned to a RE for execution. The RE ensures that a proper mix of the needed skills, mechanical, electrical, design, and analysis are available to support each capability. The design team includes a balance of physicists, analysts, designers (mechanical engineers, electrical engineers, computer-aided design), technicians, health physics, and quality assurance (QA). The balance is adjusted to the subsystem.
Architecting Microservices: Practical Opportunities and Challenges
Published in Journal of Computer Information Systems, 2020
Saša Baškarada, Vivian Nguyen, Andy Koronios
According to Conway’s Law, “organizations which design systems … are constrained to produce designs which are copies of the communication structures of these organizations”.32 For instance, the fact that more loosely-coupled organizations tend to produce more modular designs has found strong empirical support.33