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Federated data storage for the AEC industry
Published in Pieter Pauwels, Kris McGlinn, Buildings and Semantics, 2023
Jeroen Werbrouck, Madhumitha Senthilvel, Mads Holten Rasmussen
For example, apart from the Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) (the international standard for open BIM), there exists the BIM Collaboration Format (BCF) for issue management, which is expected to play a major role in issue communication between different CDEs used in a project with different stakeholders16. Although standardised communication between commercial CDEs is an important step towards industry interoperability, we consider this only one of many requirements necessary for a BIM Level 3 ecosystem: issue management standards, such as BCF, allow to address issues on a ‘sub-file’ level, but overall, a file-based paradigm is still prevalent, preventing or hindering roll-out of comprehensive data-based infrastructures and duplicating information over different project files.
Fundamentals of the BIM Environment—Opportunities for Land Administration
Published in Rajabifard Abbas, Atazadeh Behnam, Kalantari Mohsen, BIM and Urban Land Administration, 2019
Rajabifard Abbas, Atazadeh Behnam, Kalantari Mohsen
BIM Collaboration Format (BCF) is an open XML-based data format used for keeping change coordination and communication information apart from open BIM models (Stangeland 2013). In other words, the IFC standard enables the structure and exchange of 3D lifecycle information, while the BCF provides an efficient mechanism for managing communications around open BIM models. BCF files typically provide details about each task, which is called a topic in the context of BCF. A BCF-based topic provides task status, assignee and task type, all comments associated with the task, and references to relevant components inside the BIM model. BCF provides a simplified approach for encoding and coordinating change messages, which would subsequently f acilitate communication among project members working on an open BIM model. BCF provides the project team with the ability to raise, respond to, and comment on issues within an open file format that does not itself contain components of the exchanged BIM model. Therefore, the major role of BCF is to separate the “communication” from the “model” in open BIM environments. The implication of using BCF is to promote the level of collaboration, since this format provides the ability to exchange very small amounts of data, rather than the whole BIM model, among the team members of a project.
Ecosystem and platform review for construction information sharing
Published in Symeon E. Christodoulou, Raimar Scherer, eWork and eBusiness in Architecture, Engineering and Construction, 2017
I. Peltomaa, M. Kiviniemi, J. Väre
In the AEC sector the Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) standards family maintained by buildingSMART is the major standard for exchanging BIM data. buildingSMART have developed several other specifications for enlarging usage of core IFC standard like Model View Definition (MVD), buildingSMART Data Dictionary (bSDD) and BIM Collaboration Format (BCF). MVD defines a subset of the IFC data schema using mvdXML format, which enables automated validation of MVDs. MVD pro-vides a way to add in transformation only needed information as it allows specific data inclusion (buildingSMART 2016). bSDD is a reference library which provides flexible and robust method of linking existing databases with BIM. bSDD defines objects, their attributes, relationships, and properties language independently. BCF is an open file XML format that supports workflow communication in BIM processes. The BCF is implemented as a XML file format and as a RESTful web service, which enables the exchange of BCF data seamlessly in BIM workflows.
A model-based approach to convert a building BIM-IFC data set model into CityGML
Published in Journal of Spatial Science, 2020
Kamel Adouane, Rudi Stouffs, Patrick Janssen, Bernd Domer
BIM model specifications are developed by buildingSMART, a worldwide recognised authority: international standards are defined according to a set of five technical categories. First of all, carrying digital data is eased by industry foundation classes (IFC), recorded under the ISO 16739. The IFC schema lays upon a series of fundamental concepts. A detailed representation of a process can be found in its process map, described through the information delivery manual (IDM). Translating descriptive processes into technical requirements is resolved by the use of model view definitions (MVD). A complete ontology description integrates into the logic of terms mapping covered within the international framework for dictionaries (IFD). A change coordination format is shown in the BIM collaboration format (BCF) to enhance communication and overall project quality.
Conceptualizing and operationalizing team task interdependences: BIM implementation assessment using effort distribution analytics
Published in Construction Management and Economics, 2020
Ajibade A. Aibinu, Eleni Papadonikolaki
Therefore, the BIM coordination structure is highly centralized with the BIM managers responsible for driving the entire process. A project website hosted on the servers of the BIM managers was used as a Common Data Environment (CDE) to share project information using the BIM collaboration format (BCF) for model coordination and management of issues. The BIM process was supported by BIM Management plan agreed upon by parties at the BIM kick-off meeting in the project early stage. The BIM management plan contains agreement regarding technology (software), process and responsibilities as well as deliverables and timelines, etc. Open BIM was adopted and so several software was used by the various disciplines/parties as agreed via BIM management plan. Some challenges included time pressure because of the contractual obligations and late completion of tasks by some parties. There were many changes in the design phase. The contractor’s expectations were too high because it was their first BIM project, which also put work and time pressure on the other parties. The BIM managers had to work overtime to meet the requirements their BIM management function and central coordination role. BIM was used clash detection, working drawings, design visualization, quantities-take off and cost calculation, and exchange of information.
An open world adventure: The quest for a global BIM ecosystem
Published in Construction Research and Innovation, 2019
BuildingSMART has three main jobs to do. The first is to promote data standardisation, which means curating and developing the IFCs (industry foundation classes) – the digital construction objects that are to BIM what the pdf is to digital document exchange. There is also a more recent standard file type, called a BCF (which stands for BIM collaboration format). This is used to communicate an “issue” with a BIM during its design cycle,1A BCF file contains a description of the issue, a status, links to a BIM model, a picture of the issue and a camera orientation. Another key BuildingSMART file type is the IDM (information delivery manual), also known as the IDS (information delivery specification); this explains what actions have to be taken with an asset throughout its life, together with the information needed to carry them out. so they allow people to discuss a BIM in a way that eliminates misunderstandings about which part of the model they are talking about.