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An Introduction to Crystal Structures
Published in Elaine A. Moore, Lesley E. Smart, Solid State Chemistry, 2020
Elaine A. Moore, Lesley E. Smart
The van der Waals radius is defined as a nonbonded distance of closest approach and is calculated from the smallest interatomic distances in crystal structures that are considered to be not bonded to one another. Again, these are average values compiled from many crystal structures. If the sum of the van der Waals radii of two adjacent atoms in a structure is greater than the measured distance between them, then it is supposed that there is some bonding between them. Table 1.12 gives the covalent and the van der Waals radii for the typical elements.
van der Waals Molecular Volume
Published in Mihai V. Putz, New Frontiers in Nanochemistry, 2020
Bogdan Bumbăcilă, Mihai V. Putz
The van der Waals radius is measured as half of the internuclear distance of two atoms non-bonded or belonging to different molecules, of the same chemical element when these two atoms are situated at the closest possible distance. Intermolecular forces (dispersion, dipole-dipole) and the way of “packing” of the molecules in the solid state are important for establishing the rv (Rowland et al., 1996).
In search of the ‘impenetrable’ volume of a molecule in a noncovalent complex
Published in Molecular Physics, 2018
Jane S. Murray, Peter Politzer
Nevertheless, there has been a series of attempts to assign a characteristic non-bonded radius to each atom (its ‘van der Waals radius’). An early one was due, as usual, to Pauling [33]. He based his values upon the radii of the corresponding negative ions, on the grounds that the fully covalently-bonded atom and the anion both have filled valence shells. He rounded off the values to the nearest 0.05 Å and suggested that they ‘are to be considered as reliable only to 0.05 or 0.10 Å.’