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Morphology of Cavitation
Published in Dmitry A. Biryukov, Denis N. Gerasimov, Eugeny I. Yutin, Cavitation and Associated Phenomena, 2021
Dmitry A. Biryukov, Denis N. Gerasimov, Eugeny I. Yutin
Thus, it is possible to solve this problem ‘from the opposite end’. Pre-cavitation mode allows hydrofoil boats to reach high speed, while the supercavitation one lets them get super-high speed. Generally, the considered matter can be related rather to the positive influence of cavitation, although not undeniable.
Numerical study of cavitator angle effect on ventilated supercavitating flow
Published in Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics, 2023
Van-Duyen Pham, Byoung-Kwon Ahn, Cheolsoo Park, Gun-Do Kim, Il-Sung Moon
Supercavitation is a well-known solution to reduce dramatically the drag force acting on a high-speed underwater vehicle (Savchenko, 2001). According to the generation mechanism, supercavitation can be classified into two categories: ventilated and natural supercavitation. The mechanism of the former is ventilating a non-condensable gas (room temperature gas, high-temperature gas) into a low pressure region, whereas that of the latter is water vaporization due to the local pressure drop behind a cavitator (Franc & Michel, 2004). Definitively, the cavitator plays an important role in generating and maintaining the supercavity for both ventilated and natural supercavitating vehicles. Studies of the supercavitating flow behind a cavitator were carried out in the 1950s by both experimental and theoretical methods (O’Neill, 1954; Plesset & Shaffer, 1948; Reichardt, 1946; Self & Ripken, 1955). In recent years, this phenomenon has again attracted a lot of attention with an attempt to elucidate the interaction of a cavitator with the characteristics of the supercavitating flow (Ahn et al., 2017; Chen et al., 2023; Huang et al., 2020; Kadivar et al., 2017; Karn et al., 2016; Kinzel et al., 2017; Pham et al., 2022a, 2022b; Shereena et al., 2013; Spurk, 2002; Wu et al., 2019; Yang et al., 2016).