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Components of Energetic Compositions
Published in John A. Conkling, Christopher J. Mocella, Chemistry of Pyrotechnics, 2019
John A. Conkling, Christopher J. Mocella
Recent research by several groups has studied how periodates (IO4−) perform in pyrotechnic compositions as a possible replacement for the chlorine-based counterpart: perchlorates. Iodine, I, is another “halogen” that is one row down from chlorine on the periodic table. Periodates are also not expected to have the same thyroid interaction problems as perchlorates. Both potassium periodate (KIO4) and sodium periodate (NaIO4) have been studied as replacements for perchlorate oxidizers, mainly for illuminating colored-flame compositions, which will be discussed further in Chapter 10. Technical information on potassium and sodium periodates is listed in Table 3.2.
Determination of Metals in Soils
Published in T. R. Crompton, Determination of Metals and Anions in Soils, Sediments and Sludges, 2020
Alekseeva and Davydova [83] determined microamounts of manganese II in sulphuric and hydrofluoric extracts of clays by a kinetic spectrophotometric method involving the oxidation of o-dianisidine by potassium periodate. The reaction between o-dianisidine and potassium periodate is catalysed by manganese II. Spectrophotometric measurements were conducted at 460nm.
Thermochemistry, Electrochemistry, and Solution Chemistry
Published in W. M. Haynes, David R. Lide, Thomas J. Bruno, CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 2016
W. M. Haynes, David R. Lide, Thomas J. Bruno
Potassium metaborate Potassium nitrate Potassium nitrite Potassium oxalate Potassium oxide Potassium perbromate Potassium perchlorate Potassium periodate Potassium permanganate Potassium peroxide Potassium phosphate Potassium sodium Potassium sulfate Potassium sulfide Potassium superoxide Potassium thiocyanate Praseodymium Praseodymium(III) chloride Praseodymium(III) oxide
The influence of the novel composite material LiNbO3@Fe3O4 on the denitrification efficiency of bacterium Achromobacter sp. A14
Published in Environmental Technology, 2021
Jun feng Su, Yuan ming Zhang, Xue chen Bai, Dong hui Liang, Lei He, Jia xing Wang
The analysis of nitrate, nitrite and Mn2+ concentration was carried out by spectrophotometry (DR 5000, HACH, USA). The pH (HQ11d, HACH, USA) was monitored in the samples taken from the bottles. The nitrate concentration was determined via a UV spectrophotometric screening method and the difference between OD220 and 2× OD275 was calculated. The nitrite concentration was determined by the colorimetry at a wavelength of 540 nm. Mn2+ concentration was determined according to a standard method (Potassium periodate spectrophotometric method) at 530 nm [18]. The composition and degree of crystallinity of the sediment were analysed by means of X-ray diffraction (XRD). Nitrate-nitrogen and manganese removal ratio formula was (C0 −Cn)/C0 ×100%. C0 was the initial concentration of nitrate-nitrogen and Cn was the final concentration.
Optimization of Mn removal from aqueous solutions through electrocoagulation
Published in Environmental Technology, 2020
Saeideh Omranpour Shahreza, Nader Mokhtarian, Sanaz Behnam
A sample (200 ml) was taken and 1 ml of sulphuric acid (98%) and 1 ml of Nitric acid (65%) were added to it. The solution was placed in an oven (3487, Behdad Co., Iran) at 220°C for 150 min and then it was cooled. An amount of 0.2 ml of sulphuric acid and 4 ml of distilled water were added to the solution. It was heated at 50°C for 5 min and then filtered using a filter paper. Potassium periodate (4 ml, 0.6% W) was added to the filtrate and the solution was placed on a sand bath (KASB, Kavosh Azma, Iran) at 120°C for 30 min. After it was cooled and diluted three times, the absorption was measured at 530 nm by a spectrophotometer (UV/Vis 2100, Unico, U.S.A.). In a weakly acidic medium, potassium periodate oxidizes manganese into potassium permanganate with a pink to a violet colour whose intensity depends on the Mn concentration [25].
Homogenous UV/periodate process in treatment of p-nitrophenol aqueous solutions under mild operating conditions
Published in Environmental Technology, 2018
Javad Saien, Marzieh Fallah Vahed Bazkiaei
One important recently developed AOP is the UV-activated potassium periodate (UV/KPI) process. The active species of , and have been recognized as low environmental impact, whereas they quickly oxidize the organic contaminants in aqueous media [14]. High-reactive hydroxyl radicals are generated by photo-activation of periodate ions [15]. A periodate ion is first photo-decomposed to and species by one electron transfer and the generated anion radical oxygen, , is then converted to hydroxyl radical, , by accepting an acidic proton [15]. Periodate ions may also convert to ion by absorbing two molecules of water and sequentially, generating hydroxyl radials [16]. Furthermore, the recovery of iodine compounds has been reported to be feasible by ionic exchange and electrochemically regenerating them to periodate species [17].