A Limnological Yardstick based on phosphorus limitation
Published in Lake and Reservoir Management, 2022
Mark V. Hoyer, Daniel E. Canfield
Most limnologists consider François-Alphonse Forel (2 February 1841–7 August 1912), a Swiss physician and scientist who pioneered the study of lakes, to be the founder and father of limnology (Edgerton 2014, Warwick and Bertola 2014). Simply stated, limnology is the study of inland freshwaters, derived from the Greek word límnē, meaning “standing water, pool, marshy lake” (Wetzel 2003, Edgerton 2014). Not so simply, limnology in the 21st century incorporates many scientific, sociological, and political disciplines that impact inland waters, including, but not limited to, geology, hydrology, chemistry, biology, physics, human dimensions, and others (Hutchinson 1957, Canfield and Canfield 1994, Korfmacher 2001, Merriman 2017). As technology advances, the disciplines used in limnology continue to expand. For example, geomatic sciences are now used by limnologists incorporating satellite/drone imagery to monitor and understand water clarity and algal blooms in lake systems (Gardner et al. 2020, Topp et al. 2021).