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Published in Matthew L. Moseley, Ignition, 2021
Bombykol communicates the desire for sex; thus, it helps to perpetuate the silkworm species. But bombykol is just one pheromone in one species; how do pheromones work in general from silkworms to humans? Pheromones emanate from one animal and register with another, but neither may understand why they are experiencing attraction. Desire creates intention, which may inspire action and cause a reaction, but how these intentions and actions and reactions all come together exactly is a mysterious alchemy.
Animal-in-the-loop system to investigate adaptive behavior
Published in Advanced Robotics, 2018
S. Shigaki, M. R. Fikri, C. Hernandez Reyes, T. Sakurai, N. Ando, D. Kurabayashi, R. Kanzaki, H. Sezutsu
We tested the operation of the AIL system by conducting behavioral experiments. In verification experiments, we give ethanol stimulus to the AIL system and confirm whether the quadrotor elicits the programmed behavior reflecting the movements of the moth. We evaluated the angular velocity because the programmed behavior of the moth mostly consists of rotational motion [9]. In this verification experiment, we used a normal moth that cannot react to blue light. We impregnated ethanol and l pheromone (Bombykol [9]) with l in the filter paper for the stimulus input and control input, respectively. Figure 5 shows the result of measuring the behavior of moth and quadrotor for 15 s. We measured the quadrotor behavior at a sampling frequency of 30 Hz using a camera (BSW20KM11BK, BUFFALO, Japan) installed on the ceiling. The moth or quadrotor rotates counterclockwise and clockwise when the angular velocity of Figure 5 takes positive and negative values, respectively. As a result of calculating dynamic time warping which is a method of measuring the degree of similarity of time series data, the degree of similarity between angular velocities was 2.2. Therefore, we found that the quadrotor correctly reflects the behavior of the moth, and determined that the AIL system is functioning correctly.