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Household and Personal Care Products: Cleaning up and Looking Good
Published in Richard J. Sundberg, The Chemical Century, 2017
Acne is a common skin problem caused by several factors. There is hyperkeratinization and obstruction of sebaceous gland follicles, followed by infection with the organism Propionibacterium acnes. This results in inflammation and can lead to scarring. The skin eruptions are called comedones. The sebaceous glands are under hormonal control and acne is especially common in adolescents. Mild case of acne can be treated with topical retinoids, benzoyl peroxide, azelaic acid, or topical antibiotics. Systemic courses of antibiotics are also used. Hormonal treatments that have estrogenic and antiandrogenic effects (similar to birth control pills—see Section 15.3.3) are sometimes effective for females. The most effective treatment for severe acne is the cis isomer of retinoic acid, called isotretinoin, but it is a potent teratogen and strict regulation is required for its prescription. The brand name product Accutane, approved by the FDA in 1982, was the largest selling drug of the Swiss drug company Roche for a time. Generic versions have been available since 2001. Because of the powerful teratogenicity of the drug, special controls have been put in place for its prescription. During the 1980s, package warnings and letters to physicians were used to alert patients. Nevertheless, it is estimated that there were 4 instances of pregnancy for every 1000 prescriptions, which were running at 200,000 per year. With the availability of the drug in generic form, the FDA and manufactures agreed to establish an internet-based registry system whereby distributers, pharmacies, physicians, and patients are registered. Only those properly registered can distribute, prescribe, dispense, and receive the drug. Monthly confirmation of a pregnancy test and follow-up of any instance of pregnancy are required. This represents the most thorough implementation of a system for control of a potentially harmful drug yet tried.21 In the EU, there are similar mandatory pregnancy tests before and during treatment, with immediate discontinuence in the case of pregnancy.22 In the public media, isotretinoin (as Accutane) has been associated with adolescent depression and suicide. The possible association is complicated by the fact that acne itself can cause social and psychological problems that may lead to depression. The scientific information that is available is contradictory and inconclusive.23 Some ocular side-effects have also been documented for isotretinoin, most commonly blurred vision, keratitis and opacity, eye dryness, and reduced night vision.24
Genetic variants affecting chemical mediated skin immunotoxicity
Published in Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part B, 2022
Isisdoris Rodrigues de Souza, Patrícia Savio de Araujo-Souza, Daniela Morais Leme
AV is chronic inflammatory disease of the pilosebaceous unit that involves the overproduction of sebum, hyperkeratinization of sebaceous follicles, Propionibacterium acnes colonization, and inflammation (Keyal, Bhatta, and Wang 2016). Although different factors may contribute to the pathogenesis of acne, oxidative stress is one of the most important factors. The high prevalence of the Ang II activator genotype (DD) may support the phenotype of skin inflammation and oxidative stress present in individuals with AV (Sorour et al. 2019).