Every year at MathFest the Mathematical Association of America presents the latest in mathematical research and education to a vast audience of students, instructors, practitioners and researchers. This year’s MathFest will be an interactive, accessible and informative virtual experience for all attendees.
MathFest strives to reach its large community of mathematicians, students, and enthusiasts to help advance the understanding of mathematics and its impact on our world. MathFest 2021: It all starts with Math, emphasises the Mathematical Association of America’s message that ‘we further the understanding of our world through mathematics because mathematics drives society and shapes our lives’.
Taylor & Francis are proud to publish The American Mathematical Monthly, Mathematics Magazine, The College Mathematics Journal and Math Horizons in partnership with the Mathematical Association of America. Taylor & Francis also publishes a vast portfolio of bestselling books and journals on Mathematics, such as
Taylor & Francis will be attending MathFest 2021, so come and visit us at our virtual booth!