2023 European Conference on Educational Research

The European Conference on Educational Research, hosted by the EERA, brings together students, researchers and practitioners for keynote sessions, paper sessions, research workshops, panel discussions, EERA sessions, poster sessions, and symposia delivered in-person and online.

Routledge Open Research
Routledge Open Research is an open research publishing platform dedicated to scholars across the Arts, Humanities, Behavioral and Social Sciences.
We offer authors a rapid and streamlined publishing experience, increasing the visibility, reach, and credibility of their research. Our platform allows authors to publish both traditional Research Articles and non-traditional outputs, such as Policy Briefs, Case Studies, and Brief Reports, reducing research waste and providing credit for all findings.
Find out how Routledge Open Research supports HSS scholars to influence research, policy, and practice to make a real-world impact by visiting the website today.

Cogent Education
Cogent Education is Routledge Education’s flagship open access megajournal and publishes across a range of educational subdisciplines. The journal has 15 distinct section strands, including Sociology of Education, led by Prof Reza Gholami (University of Birmingham), and Inclusive & Special Education, led by Dr Marnie Best (University of South Australia).
Authors can publish a range of outputs including Research Articles, Review Articles, and the newly opened category of Data Notes to support open sharing of research data. All articles are published open access and are free for anyone to read, share and cite.
Cogent Education has an Impact Factor of 1.6 and a CiteScore of 2.2 (2022). All submissions are subject to initial editorial screening and if judged to be suitable, are then sent for double blind anonymous peer review.
The journal welcomes submissions from ECER delegates – so don’t delay, submit today!