The American Political Science Association’s Annual Meeting & Exhibition brings together academics and professionals for in-person and virtual events on a range of perspectives, methods and research within Political Science.
This year’s 118th APSA Annual Meeting and Exhibition offers pre-conference short courses, theme panels, a Career Open House, professional development, and Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Events.
Taylor & Francis publishes a large portfolio of research on Political Science, including books such as Akehurst’s Modern Introduction to International Law, The United Nations in the 21st Century, and Terrorism in the Twenty-First Century, and journals such as Journal of Political Science Education, New Political Science, and Journal of Information Technology & Politics.
Enter the code APSA22 at checkout for the discount to be applied – this discount offer is valid for print titles only, ordered through www.routledge.com, expires 15th October 2022.
Journal of Political Science Education welcomes a new team of editors, led by Charity Butcher (Kennesaw State University). For more information and to submit your paper, please click here.