This year’s meeting of the American Philosophical Association’s Pacific Division will consist of both in-person and virtual sessions, allowing members of the APA to exchange ideas, dissect problems and explore new teaching methods in a format that suits them.
With workshops, a Teaching Hub, business meetings, prize receptions and much more, the Annual APA Pacific Division Meeting will bring together students, researchers and practitioners from across the field.
During the APA-P meeting in Vancouver (April 13-16, 2022), please use Code APA22 to receive the meeting discount on all Routledge books.
The Taylor & Francis Philosophy portfolio offers insight into foundational and niche aspects of the subject, from books such as Introduction to Logic, now in its 3rd edition, and broad, discipline-spanning textbooks such as Core Questions in Philosophy, now in its 8th edition, to journals such as British Journal for the History of Philosophy and Philosophical Psychology. Our portfolio also includes The Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy which provides access to over 2,800 articles that have been edited for level and consistency by a team of renowned subject experts.
New Titles
At the conference
From 9 am-Noon, check out the Book Symposium Art, Representation, and Make-Believe: Essays on the Philosophy of Kendall L. Walton edited by Sonia Sedivy
From 4-6 pm: Stephen Gardiner, co-author of forthcoming, Dialogues on Climate Justice, speaks at an invited paper on Manufactured Intergenerational Forgetting
Come by from 6-8 pm and hear Robert Eli Sanchez, Jr., editor of Latin American and Latinx Philosophy, speak at the Public Philosophy Network, “On Making Latinx Philosophy Available to the Latinx Community”
From 6-8 pm, attend the symposium on Cassirer, by Samantha Matherne. Routledge’s translation of Cassirer’s Philosophy of Symbolic Forms recently reviewed in NYRB.
From 6-8 pm: Kelly Arenson, editor of The Routledge Handbook of Hellenistic Philosophy, chairs a meeting of The Hellenistic Philosophy Society.
From 6-9 pm, Bob Fischer, author of Routledge's Animal Ethics: A Contemporary Introduction, chairs a meeting of the Society for the Study of Ethics and Animals. Topic: Interspecies Welfare Comparisons.
From 9am-Noon there is a symposium on Thinking and Perceiving, by Dustin Stokes w. Amy Kind, Wayne Wu & Casey O’Callaghan. Stokes’ book is published in the Routledge New Problems of Philosophy series
From 9am-Noon: Rachel Sterken, coeditor of The Routledge Handbook of the Social and Political Philosophy of Language, is an invited speaker at an Invited Symposium on Language and Social Roles.
From 11am – 2pm, Christine Wieseler, coeditor of The Disability Bioethics Reader, speaks at an APA Committee Session on Disability & Philosophy. Her paper: “Crippling Philosophy”
From 1pm-4pm, Saba Bazargan-Forward, coeditor of The Routledge Handbook of Collective Responsibility, speaks at an Invited Symposium on the same topic.
From 4-6 pm, Michael Hannon, co-editor of Routledge Handbook of Political Epistemology & Lani Watson, author of The Right to Know at Symp on Epistemic Rights & Duties During Elections
From 4-6 pm, Chris Tillman, coeditor of The Routledge Handbook of Propositions, chairs the Invited Symposium on Social Metaphysics.
From 7-9 pm, Andrew Fiala, editor of The Routledge Handbook of Pacifism and Nonviolence, speaks at the meeting of the Concerned Philosophers for Peace. Topic: Tolstoy’s Anarchism.