2022 Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association

The 2022 Annual Meeting is a little different from past years. This year, there is a choice between “In-Person Attendee” and “Virtual Attendee”. In-Person attendees will have access to all meeting events and activities taking place in Seattle, and Virtual attendees will have access to the virtual events, select events that will be live-streamed, as well as later view-on-demand access to a library of recorded content.
The 2022 AAA Annual Meeting theme “Unsettling Landscapes” encourages anthropological discussion of past, present, and future unsettlings of the world – be it through environment, power, political economy or through the collective efforts of unsettling and disrupting oppressive structures while building worlds otherwise.
Taylor & Francis publishes a large collection of peer-reviewed research across the field of Anthropology and related disciplines from bestselling books such as What Anthropologists Do and Digital Anthropology, and new releases such as Anthropology and Modern Life, to journals such as History and Anthropology, Culture and Organization, and Mind, Culture, and Activity.