Our partners play a crucial role in fulfilling our purpose of fostering human progress in Africa. These partnerships aim to deliver value and lasting success for all parties involved.
Partnerships are key to our business in Africa. They help deliver great value and create lasting success for everyone involved. Through these partnerships, researchers at member institutions can access Taylor & Francis’s high-quality content for free. Researchers can also publish their work as open access without any cost, helping them to reach more people.

South African National Library and Information Consortium

Consortium of Academic and Research Libraries in Ghana

Kenya Library and Information Services Consortium

Consortium of Uganda University Libraries

Malawi Library and Information Consortium

Consortium of Ethiopian Academic and Research Libraries

Zambian Library Consortium
We are working closely with local institutions, societies, and funders to help build skills and training. This supports the creation and worldwide sharing of African research. It creates an environment for doing research that is impactful and innovative, and that brings scientific and social benefits to Africa.

Association of African Universities

The Conversation Africa

University of South Africa

National Inquiry Services Centre

Inter University Council of East Africa