Portfolio by the numbers
Publishing findings from studies concerning health, illness, physical and psychological well-being of women, as well as the environmental, lifestyle, and socio-cultural factors, our Women’s Health portfolio aims to promote and elevate research into the diverse and cross-disciplinary area of Women’s Health.
Bestsellers such as Gynaecology by Ten Teachers and handbooks such as the Handbook of Obstetric Medicine offer a range of both foundational and specialist knowledge for Women’s Health students, practitioners and professionals.
Hypertension in Pregnancy
Hypertension in Pregnancy is a refereed journal in the English language which publishes data pertaining to human and animal hypertension during gestation. Contributions concerning physiology of circulatory control, pathophysiology, methodology, therapy or any other material relevant to the relationship between elevated blood pressure and pregnancy are acceptable. Published material includes original articles, clinical trials, solicited and unsolicited reviews, editorials, letters, and other material deemed pertinent by the editors.
The Journal of Maternal-Fetal & Neonatal Medicine
The Journal of Maternal-Fetal and Neonatal Medicine is the official journal of The European Association of Perinatal Medicine, The Federation of Asia and Oceania Perinatal Societies and The International Society of Perinatal Obstetricians. The journal publishes a wide range of peer-reviewed research on the obstetric, medical, genetic, mental health and surgical complications of pregnancy and their effects on the mother, fetus and neonate. Research on audit, evaluation and clinical care in maternal-fetal and perinatal medicine is also featured.
Gynecological Endocrinology
Gynecological Endocrinology , is an official journal of the International Society of Gynecological Endocrinology, covers all the experimental, clinical and therapeutic aspects of this ever more important discipline. It includes, amongst others, papers relating to the control and function of the different endocrine glands in females, the effects of reproductive events on the endocrine system, and the consequences of endocrine disorders on reproduction.
Gynaecology by Ten Teachers
First published in 1919 as 'Diseases of Women', Gynaecology by Ten Teachers is well established as a concise, yet comprehensive, guide. The twentieth edition has been thoroughly updated by a new team of 'teachers', integrating clinical material with the latest scientific developments that underpin patient care. Each chapter is highly structured, with learning objectives, definitions, aetiology, clinical features, investigations, treatments, case histories and key point summaries and additional reading where appropriate.
Handbook of Obstetric Medicine
Medical professionals are often involved in the management of the pregnant patient without necessarily being experts on all the complications surrounding pregnancy. The Handbook of Obstetric Medicine addresses the most common and serious medical conditions encountered in pregnancy, including heart disease, thromboembolism, diabetes, skin problems, gastrointestinal disease, neurological problems, hormonal diseases, hypertension and pre-eclampsia, and more.
Contraception Today
The fully updated ninth edition of this bestselling handbook summarizes concisely but fully the methods of contraception, of which there are more now than were ever available to previous generations.