Taylor & Francis offers medical communications agencies and publication planners a wide range of publishing solutions. Our portfolio of 370 medical journals and five digital hubs makes us the fourth largest publisher of research funded by big pharma. This includes the Expert Collection, the world’s largest series of review journals in research, development, and clinical medicine.

Get in touch with our expert publishing solutions team to discover how we can help.  

Get in touch

Choose the right home for your research 

Taylor & Francis provides a wide range of journals covering the whole research and development lifecycle. From drug discovery to launch we are here to help you find the right home for your research.

Enter your abstract to our AI-powered journals suggester and find the best journal that matches your abstract. We can help you find the right journal too, guiding you through the process. We can also provide information on our open access and accelerated publishing options.  E-mail [email protected] to get started.

Increase your impact with publication extenders  

Taylor & Francis offers a range of services to meet your needs. We can help simplify and speed up the publishing process and provide an accessible version of your research. You can translate a paper, create a infographic version of your content or video abstract. Go to publishing extenders to find the full range of what we offer.

Plain Language Summaries of Publications

Plain Language Summaries of Publications (PLSP) are jargon free summaries of your research or clinical studies using non-technical language that’s accessible to anyone who want to read it.

Our editors can provide a full creation service for PLSP, including summarizing the content, writing in lay language, and develop graphics and visuals to support the content.

All PLSPs are peer-reviewed and can summarize any article – even those published in journals from other publishers. We publish PLSPs as standalone articles. This means that each article is assigned its own DOI, making it fully citable, indexed, and discoverable.

We can offer a number of publication extenders for PLSP’s including animated videos, infographics, podcasts and translations into local languages.

To discuss the publication of a PLSP in one of our journals, or to find out more about our PLSP writing service, e-mail [email protected].